Kentucky people

Mojo Chick'n :

I wonder if hubby would let me keep them all

actually, once they get bigger, I'll probably be glad to see some of them go.

I want to keep a variety, so I need to figure out if my splashes are boys or girls, I want some of each color.

now, genetics goes ...

blue on blue = 50% blue 25% black and 25% splash
black on splash = 100% blue
black on black = no idea
splash on splash = no idea

so, I want a good mix - and at least a black male and a blue male with splash, blue and black females. I'll have to see what the splash babies are (boy or girl).

I believe it is:
blue x black=50% black, 50% blue
blue x splash= 50% blue, 25% splash, 25% black
Black x splash=100% blue
black x black=100% black
splash x splash- 100% splash

Black is a 'sport' of the blue, so any black would just make black. Blue is made from one blue gene and one black gene, so that's where you get the blacks from the blues. Splash is 2 blue genes, so anything they produce would be at least blue.​
Well, I just went to look closer (they finally stopped eating and are settling in to take a nap) and the splash babies look to be two boys and a girl.

Hmm, I really like the one splash boy, he is more splashed than any of them, I wonder if I ought to keep him....

would splash and blue make blue?

oh, ya had that up there... nevermind
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Does anyone over in the central or western parts of KY order from Ideal around march or april? I am wanting a trio of pilgrim geese, but if I just ordered those I would have to pay the boxing fee and the small order fee and the price really goes up with all the extra fees.
Hey guys - anyone going to Sano tonight, who wants a pair of two day old blue swedish crested ducklings - I know for sure I am not keeping those ones, so if you want them, I can bring them along.

I think it is a male and a female, but I am not positive. Let me know or I'll just leave them home where they'll be warm.

eta - I was thinking $3.00 each for them.

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btw folks -

I adore my chickens, but... I have to say that right now I have chicks that are four days old, and duckies that are two days old - and duckies are cuter than chickies.

Messier, and gonna be smellier,
but they are so adorable!!!

Hey this was posted by Matt John. Anyone intersted?

Here's the link to the origial post:


Out Of The Brooder

From: Columbus, IN
Registered: 08/23/2007
Posts: 69
PM Website
View My BYC Page Re: KY/SoIndiana Chickenstock TAKE 2! October!


Late last fall I decided to not run for President of the Bluegrass Poultry Assn. in Central KY, since I moved to southern Indiana and wasn't able to give the club my full attention. I was/am greatly enjoying the break from not having monthly club meetings and business to conduct and not having to worry about planning a show for Fall.


I just saw in the Poultry Press that the Red Hill Poultry Club in Mt. Carmel, IL is not holding their Spring show which is traditionally the first weekend in May....
That leaves a gap in my schedule, I considered using that weekend to stay home resting, spending time with my family, catching up on yardwork, etc - - NAAAAAH Let's have a chicken show!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone up for it??? Somewhere in South-Central Indiana?
Maybe just a fun show for the first year unless we can find an available sanctioned judge for that weekend?

Let me know what you think?

Matt John
Columbus, IN

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Well, I'm back from the auction - sold everything I took this time.

Bought more cages
so I'm about 25 dollars down from when I left the house, but it would have been more if I hadn't sold the chickens. I did end up with about 10 cages, though, so not bad.

Now I just have four to go to auction (until the babies get bigger and I figure out what I'm keeping and what goes.) Well, plus half the ducklings.

Maybe I'll have ducks sorted out by next friday (if it's nice out).

And - I have an empty coop - so I got room for ducks, or geese, or more chickens that hatch....

yay! for space for chickens and ducks

And... I sold Loretta
So now I have no more bantams.

I'm tired, it's been a LONG day after getting up so early this morning to run to town for ducks.

Gonna eat dinner and go to bed, I think... after I get Jon at work, of course, not done running back and forth yet.


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