Kentucky people

..I was thinking the same thing..but I can't blame them..I went to Sano for the first time today..was looking for more quail..only BW there..I did get some buff japs..and I saw Meri/hubby..How did it go for you Meri??

Hey when you talk to Bluedog tell him to get on and check his PM... Was trying to arrange a meet with him for a hen(for me), and maybe the roo for a friend. Then with what I am getting from Shelley I'll have a beautiful rainbow of eggs(brown, white, and blue) once everyone starts into laying...So far it is only BC the BR hen.

Shelley I believe Cortni already has the red, white and blue pullet named... I just can't remember it right now. I wanted to name her Liberty but Cortni said that was too obvious.
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I'm tired

When we got home we ate dinner, then had to unload 20 bags of corn and take care of them.

I did really well, I brought home Kronk and his girls, but I sold everything else except 2 light brahma chicks. So, I covered the cost of the corn, plus extra money.

Since last friday I've done really well, I've sold about 55 chickens, 4 quail and a few dozen eggs (and two donkeys). I wish every week was this profitable

I put an ad up for Kronk and the girls on craigslist, maybe I'll have them sold this next week.

I'm down to 25 chickens in the "for sale" coop - but I have a few extras down in Mr. Speckles coop I could part with if I needed to. He has about 22 hens right now
so I could, I suppose, cut him back to a manageable number. (not that he minds having that many girls at all

In reality, the 12 younger ones are his for when they get old enough to lay, I could cut that back a bit, and the older ones that are laying are just for eggs - but once I get his girls laying the older ladies can go to Sano. I am trying to get the pure breds set-up and they don't match up to anyone, really (and the one they do match up to is too young for them still, but he has 6 girls on tap for breeding.)

My quail (the younger ones I bought) are laying, now, too. (did I mention that yet?) So I now have some A&M, Goldens and Tuxedos laying as well as the wild type.

So, I'm pleased with my trip to Sano this week.

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Oh yeah, black tailed buff japs - Shelley, did you say you wanted some? Cause the lady who has the dels out there had some, and she said she has more at home - I have her telephone number if ya ever want to call her.

I'll make sure he knows...

Hey when you talk to Bluedog tell him to get on and check his PM... Was trying to arrange a meet with him for a hen(for me), and maybe the roo for a friend. Then with what I am getting from Shelley I'll have a beautiful rainbow of eggs(brown, white, and blue) once everyone starts into laying...So far it is only BC the BR hen.

Shelley I believe Cortni already has the red, white and blue pullet named... I just can't remember it right now. I wanted to name her Liberty but Cortni said that was too obvious.
I need black-tailed buffs! I only have one pullet. She is the outcast, the roo she likes is the bantam cochin
she won't hang out with my btw jap roo at all.... I wouldn't be able to get any right now, but I should be getting my check from school soon
Technically I suppose Sano is a community, but the town address is Columbia - it is between Columbia and Russell Springs.

Sano Goat and Sheep Auction

This is a thread about it, has the address, info, etc...

It isn't too hard to find, just take 80 out of Columbia to the 1729 (Sano Rd.) to the county line, right after the county line is your turnoff and after you turn (left) it is about a half mile down and to the left (on Abrell rd.)

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I have got to get to bed - I have another busy day tomorrow. The guy is gonna come pick up the donkeys, and then I have a party to go to (you know how I absolutely adore crowds
) Thankfully it is an outdoor party, at least - hope they aren't all wasted before I even get there.

'Night -

HEY ALL check this out:

Like father(I have really overused this photo, but had to just one more time)

Like daughter... Going


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