Kentucky people

I don't know what color eggs the BA lay, but dad's black cochin hen lays a lighter brown egg with white spots on it, kind of like the pores of the egg? So it could be the cochin.
I believe I had gotten them in March, so she'd be about 4 months old.
Both the BA and Cochin should be about right on time - they both were hatched about March 14th or so. Well, maybe a little early, but not much. My guess is the BA - cochins are usually late bloomers, aren't they?

eta - maybe you could put baby powder in the nest and see who's butt is white that day

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Mojo Chick'n :

Both the BA and Cochin should be about right on time - they both were hatched about March 14th or so. Well, maybe a little early, but not much. My guess is the BA - cochins are usually late bloomers, aren't they?

eta - maybe you could put baby powder in the nest and see who's butt is white that day


That may be a good idea
Might have to try that once I start getting those eggs again. Right now it is back to just BCs.
Also she has been laying in the corner on the ground of the coop so I guess I'm gonna have to put a fake egg in the nestboxes and make a small ladder for them to go up to it, cause the way it's looking if I don't then BC is gonna have all the girls laying eggs in the corner.​
So what happens when you give them laying mash too early??

Not sure, I usually start them on layer (actually it is the 16% feed I give everyone) after they are about 3 months old. I do it cause it's cheaper

I haven't had a problem yet with it.

So what happens when you give them laying mash too early??

Supposedly something in the layer feed(too much protein or something) can harm their kidneys or reproductive organs or something like that. So I'm not positive but if you feed it to them too young it isn't good for them?

I need to go over and visit you soon... Haven't seen you in forever...Just never know when you work and when you don't.
I am working alot next week. Vacation coverage. Gotta work 6 out of 7 days.

But after next week I will be off on the weekend. Yeah alot has changed. We have changed stuff around and added more chicken houses. We have about 300 chicks ranging from days old to 5 months old.

We also have ducks, peafowl, pheasants, and geese.
The problem with feeding them layer too early is the calcium. It can cause something like kidney stones, which obviously would affect their kidneys. I don't think it would bother them to feed them a little early though.
Layne has a swim meet Tuesday night at the Y and then his conference is on the 31st and 1st in Russell Springs. If you aren't doing anything one day next weekend Maybe we'll go have a visit with you guys for a few.

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