Kentucky people

yep, so that means you can two of those

Well guys, I'm officially unemployed. I'm going back to school this fall, so no working for me for a while (other than the 10,000 things that need to be done daily around the house). So now I'm wondering, what I'm gonna do with myself. Savanna's volleyball games keep me busy in the evenings, but there's all that day left.

Ok, you can shoot me later, but I do have to have a Momma braggin' moment. My 6th grader is playing varsity volleyball this year. I fully expected her to dress out and sit the bench, however the last 2 games she's actually went in!! I'm so proud.
Ok, it's over and I promise not to have those moments often.

Anyway, now that I've had my moment. Can anybody tell me how long before my hens will lay? They were laying when I bought them, but haven't laid for 2 days. I fully expected them to be shocked, and seems they are. How long does that last?
For all you KY people using the deep Litter method where the heck are you buying Food Grade DE. I can't find it anywhere other than online. I am in northern KY. I'm not paying $25.00 shipping on 50pds.Where can I find it local?
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Well, I'm still waiting on the call that those chickens are at Debbie's house, so I can go get them.

I got one egg from the older ladies today and two from the pullets. I may just hold those new chickens up and tell the girls that they are their replacements.

Out of Shelleys eggs I have three or four with feathered feet - brahma mix or cochin mix, not sure which, but they are blackish to bluish.

I also believe I have a couple of EE's in there - look like they might have beards.

I think the hatches are done - my humidity has been so screwed up, I lost three chicks that hatched weak, and I lost two that pipped and died, and one that zipped and died. (maybe this will convince hubby to take a break on hatching for awhile!!)

One hatcher the humidity (with no water whatsoever in it) wouldn't go below 91 - and the other I couldn't get above 50 with three sponges and a water reservoir filled in it.

worst hatch I've had in a long time. Not the eggs fault, they were viable and all went ok, just the hatch was bad because of the humidty, I believe.

Ok, no chickens tonight - it'll be monday at the earliest. Still don't know what all is in the mix, but have been told there are Mille Fleurs.
(hubby likes those,
so he may want to keep them.)

As far as Feathers goes, if you can find him a good home then that would be okay. But wait just a week or so because of something I read today. We never go to our neighborhood association meetings but I noticed in the bulletin today they are having someone from metro animal services there to talk about "the general aspects of laws and regulations that govern the ownership of pets in the Metro area." This makes us a little suspicious since they've never talked about anything like that before and we are wondering if someone is bringing our chickens to people's attention. For that reason we are going to go to that meeting bc we wouldn't want to be left in the dark. Anyway, if they get all crazy on us we are going to have to be prepared to get rid of a few chickens. Technically in Louisville we are allowed 5 non-crowing and one crowing. We have 8 hens right now. So... if they make a fuss, we'll get rid of three hens but you better believe we're taking Feathers back. Let them complain all they want if he crows. We got rid of him to be nice so he wouldn't disturb them. Well, if they are going to play hardball I will go by the books EXACTLY. So, I will let you know about the outcome of that. But if they aren't raising any issues then by all means find him a good home. But if so, do you think you could send me a couple more pics of him first, so I can see how he's grown?
In other chicken news Pixie was squatting down today as I went out to put them up. I thought she was going to lay her first egg right there in front of me! I have been trying to tell myself they wouldn't lay until September so I didn't get too excited and impatient but now I think she'll probably lay soon and I'll have my first home-grown egg!! She's taken over as top hen now that Feathers is gone btw and has a really fun personality. I am starting to like the BRs more. Her and Pumpkin are my two favorites.
Anyway, I will keep everyone posted about that meeting, I was hoping no one would raise a fuss about the chickens. I also found a cook for a restaurant who told me he'd buy any extra eggs we have off of me so that also is really exciting!
I can hold onto him as long as ya need me to. (well, as long as it isn't all winter

I love the barred rocks. They do tend to be "top chicken" especially the hens. My oldest BR Miss Celie is VERY independant. She's the hen who got upset over being the roo's favorite (he abused her poor back), so she left the coop for four months last year. She lived in the woods, slept on the woodpile and refused to have anything to do with the roo or the hens for the longest time. It finally got really bad weather out so I started picking her off the woodpile at night and putting her into the coop - she finally decided to go back on her own. She is still independant, however, and doesn't take any crap from the roo or anyone.

She is also the only chicken brave enough to go up and take food out of the dog's mouth when he is eating out on the lawn
(and she's the only one he allows to do so

Ok, for those of you who see me often enough to know that I rarely have my head uncovered... and who may have noticed that I haven't had it covered all the time lately...

All of my scarves were more or less worn out - and I can't seem to find the ones I like at the stores anymore

I've been scrunchie scarf shopping like mad lately and I may have finally found one I like. It looks sort of like a bonnet (think Little House on the Prairie or Amish ladies), but it is more "blousy" and if I tuck in the hangy thingies on the back of it, it is more like a snood (I love snoods
) so Meri is not bare headed and is happy once again

Now I just need to stock up on the dang things before they stop selling them

I like this one so well, I may have to buy one just to take it apart to learn how it's made so I can make more of them.


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