Kentucky people

Hey Meri, Check out these pretty little girls... Both of them are prego... My step son in laws', stepdads' mini donkeys

Paul on the left and his stepdad on the right...
That's cool, is she still online? She's probably off causing trouble somewhere

Looks like our chickenstock is going to be double-timing as a birthday party! There are way too many September birthdays in this area!
Hope everyone is well..haven't been around much lately. Wayyy too much pain. Fortunately, I have an appointment the end of August at a pain management clinic.

I haven't been able to spend too much time with my birds lately either..but the Royal Palms have hatched well and I have more Silkies
hatching now.

Everyone seems to have gone!!
Awwwww I can't wait to have a baby running around - and I'd love to see what Butters and TeaCake would make with a baby.

Michelle is probably holding out to have her baby until September
Would be sort of cool if she had it on Hubby's Birthday, though.

Heya -

Been thinking about ya, and wondered how you were.

I got major busy, so never made it over to your house. We have bottle calves, now (5 so far) and had to build in stalls, to keep them seperate, etc... working on the small pasture for them, right now. I have to keep them in their own pasture, cause I think TeaCake is jealous and he might hurt them. Once they get bigger than him, they should be ok in the big pasture.

Ok, done answering posts, now time to ramble...

I opened the brooder coop door this morning, and everyone came flooding out
I guess they caught on quick that it is much more fun in the front yard/flower garden than in the run.

I also let the pullets out again today - it certainly makes morning chores a little easier when I don't have to step over chickens to try to feed them.

One of the calves dang near broke my thumb this morning. It has a bruise on the side of it (the end joint, right at the bone) - might be cracked, sure does hurt. Luckily it's my left hand thumb, so it doesn't interfere too much with typing

I also need to make a post under Geese - I need toy ideas for the terrible threesome. I did discover this morning, however, that I can distract them from trying to take my shirt off with fresh green beans offered from the one vine that survived the chickens and ducks. They like the green beans because they can pinch and chew them and no one yells in surprize or shakes a finger at them. Plus they taste good

They think I am Mama, so whenever I am outside, here they come - if I walk out on the porch, and they see or hear me, Fred lets out a Honk so loud, the neighbors probably hear it, then they come running and flapping their wings
Whatever is mine is theirs, they figure, so my lighter, my shirt, my jeans, skirt, my fingers, my shoes, anything attached or looks like it ought to be attached to me is fair game. Even the chair I am sitting on.

Everything has to be thoroughly chewed on and tasted, to see if it is squishy or hard or yummy. Lucy is the bravest, and loves to play "who's got your nose, er.. bill" rather. She gnaws on my knuckle and I grab her bill, then she pulls free and gnaws my knuckle some more, then I grab... well, you get the picture. I don't grab it hard, and she knows I won't
she's just playing with mama - problem is, she bites hard when it's her turn
I have to make sure it's a knuckle she has and not a fleshy part of the finger. This game is fun, for awhile, but she wants to play it constantly
and then she'll come up behind me when I'm not looking and try to play the game with my backside, sometimes. She's not being mean at all - and if I were to tell her No and shoo her away, she goes no problem.

I just need more distractions for them. And not the kind where poor Mr. Feathers loses tail feathers, like yesterday - he passed too close and Fred stretched out and snatched a few off him. When Mr. Feathers squawked, Fred took off running with the feathers in his bill and trying to honk at the same time
I think they scared each other

They only do this to me, but are beginning to get brave with Hubby, too. They probably figure if we are together in the yard a lot, then he must be ok, too - and maybe he tastes better than Mama does....

Well I now have 3 baby calves. I let my husband talk me into it. He is been wanting some for a while. So when I was at Sano Friday night I got the fever. I brought home the smallest baby holstein heifer ever seen. She is so dainty. And so far so good. We filled them up with scour medicine and anibiotics.
But we both had to work today. So when the alarm went off at 4:30, I was the only one that got up. Go figure. He said that I was suppose to wake him. But I could tell that he had gotten up to use the bathroom. (The toilet seat was up)

I know I need pictures. I have to work today and Wednesday. I am only off Thursday. So everyone will have to be patient.
I am working alot right now and have 1 month to get ready for the Cookeville sale. We have to build cages for that.
Well actually it is my normal day off. I got scheduled overtime for Friday and traded days for this last Monday for Saturday. Open house was Monday.
But yes I will be taking her to her first day at Northern.
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Oh, and reason No# 2 why I've been short on eggs (besides George's girls laying everywhere but the boxes) I went down to check on eggs today (just a bit ago) when we got back from Glens Fork, and found a 4 foot rat snake in the pullet coop trying to swallow an egg.

I had seen him yesterday over by the woodpile, and just said Hello and let him go by (he is beautiful!! and I have mice, so I figured to let him be). But, I guess the woodpile is too close for tempation to the coops, so he was in there after eggs (probably not his first time.)

I am worried about the babies that Miss Piggy has, but I gave him one last chance and picked him up and moved him to the far side of the property - not sure if he'll be back, but I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

I really love snakes, and I would hate to have to kill this one. He was so calm when I picked him up, too. He didn't try to musk me or anything.

Live long, Mr. Snake - far from my coops.

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