Kentucky people

There's an MG vaccine? I didn't know that. I don't know how those work, but I know with the Marek's vaccines, if you get chicks with this (or give it to your chicks) it will make the rest of your birds actually get the disease, or something like that.
I got the MG/CRD vaccine along with the Coryza from Jeffers livestock supply. The MG is $90 and the other was like $45. Sort of pricey. But it will treat alot. They each get .5cc behind the neck (which babies dont have much of) and again 3 weeks later. I plan on treating my adults when I get a day off to do it.
The girls got their first leftovers this morning... They must've thought they were queens chowin down on the goods. It was...ahem...leftover chicken fettucini
. It's okay though, I told them it was pork, the other white meat.
Once again, I get on and everyone leaves!

Just wanted to let you all know that we will be having a BYC mascot to our little shindig!! Rusty the rooster (whose debute appearance was at the IN chickenstock) will be there!! You can see his pics on the mascot thread, link in my siggy
Ok, folks, what I'll be taking some to Sano friday night....

I have a dozen (+/- might only be 11, would have to re-count them) columbian rock pullets - 5 months old. Asking 5 bucks each on those.

May bring along some three week old barred rocks (straight run).

Maybe also some quail chicks (aproximately 30 of those) 3 weeks old (by friday) Quail chicks will be $1.50 each. I have a few A&M some tuxedos and some wilds. (got more hatching soon, need the bins).

I also have some older quail (breeding age, mostly roos, but one hen). These are mostly tuxedos - or else they are extras and don't fit into my breeding plan. If anyone wants those, I can bring them along, otherwise I'll keep them here and process them for lunch. (hey Shelley, maybe an idea for the Chickenstock, we can do a few quail on the grill to get folks interested in buying them

a pair of game mix roos - one only has one eye - the other rooster injured his right eye
. They'll be extra cheap - I just want them gone. They are pretty - just do not need them.

I also have two pair (very young, still getting their flight feathers) pure rouen ducks. I am pretty sure it is two pair, because two of them have a white stripe coming in around the neck, and two of them do not have it. Not sure if I'll bring those or not - if someone wants them, let me know and I'll for sure bring them for ya.

Hmm... not sure what else I'll bring along - depends on how ambitious I get catching everything.

How old are the ducks? You can do the 'quack test', but my rouen and cayuga babies didn't quack till they were around 4 weeks or more. But the white ring around the neck is usually male, as long as they aren't mixed.
They are supposedly pure - I (pretty much) trust the folks I bought them from.

You know that silly jumbo pair hung out with us in the pasture today while we were hanging fence -
then they went on back to the coop tonight. I never figured they'd keep going back to the coop - I guess they know where the food is.

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Yep, that's the kicker, the food!!
Jumbo browns are so docile, I don't see why anyone would want them for dog training!! Just be careful, cause supposedly they are migratory. They might just up and fly away one day!
Meri that 127 sale is this week starting today... you should run up it a piece... Never know what you'll find. And Shea is taking that flight cage today as well so if you want it she'll be right on 127 in Albany... I'd have to give you her number. We are set up in an rv park I guess it is, about 1 1/2 miles from the parkway going towards Jamestown. Got lots of good stuff and a huge array too.. Hubby is selling all his beer signs too...
Oh, I didn't know it started this early!!

Maybe I can talk hubby into going. He really ought to be out mowing hay (dang rain has kept him from the last two fields). But, I know he really wants to go, and was bummed when I told him it's the same weekend as his family reunion.

Plus, he's rather ticked off about the brand new screen door, so maybe it'll cheer him up

Oh, that's right, I told Shelley last night, but I didn't share with everyone.....

We finally, after two years, got a screen door (stoop!d flies can stay out, now). We had to take the door off the hinges and drive it to Campbellesville to find a place to make a custom screen for the storm door we had (or buy a whole new door for over 200 bucks).
It took the guy overnight, of course, so we had to drive back the next day.

We've had it up for maybe three or four days. I expected Toby or Lily to accidently run through it.

Sam did.
I swear it's a passive/agressive thing with him.
He walked in and out of that door probably 20 times yesterday before he walked THROUGH it - bent the frame for the screen and everything.

I thought Bruce was gonna have a stroke.

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