Kentucky people

I am going to try to make it to the fair (shouldn't be hard since I live witin walking distance
) So the chickens are leaving on Sunday? That means I guess I should try to go tomorrow. Hmmm... I wonder if my family's up for a trip to the fair. Scares me though that some of the chickens might be sick. As long as I wash my hands and change clothes I shouldn't be able to bring the disease to my chickens, right?
We entered some birds at the fair...this was our first year so I didn't know what to expect. There were some sick looking chickens and some that should not have been entered....but that is to be expected at a "fair". We did not take our best chickens, just the 3rd or so best out of each group because they are there 4 days, so many people come in and out, diseases..etc...... They will be in quarantine when we get home after seeing the health of some other birds.
Both of my Sebastopols ended up on championship row and I am very pleased. I think there were 11 total shown.
Change or bleach your shoes too! When I go to places where there are other chickens I wear flip flops and then just spray bleach water on them and hose them down when I get home.
There wasn't a lot for sale this week....will be a ton on Sat and sun. We are bringing sale birds on Sat.....should be a lot to choose from.

we will have some barred rock bantams, couple pairs of BLRW....some assorted mixed chicks and call ducks. I am also bringing a sebastopol for the sale cage.
Ok, Shelley, I put your blue cochin into the quail coop - along with the black cochins I got from Sydney, and the three black cochin girls I got at Sano tonight (for 2 bucks each - they are about the same age as the ones I got from Sydney).

I think I threw some others in there - a few barred rock pullets, etc... that are part of the "keepers".

I think that other buff pair that was with the blue cochin are cochins, not millies. The one has quite a foofy tail coming on, and it looks like a cochin. Not a great cochin, but it would be a horrible millie, if it were one

So, I have chicks in there with the "eatin' quails".

Oh, I had a woman ask me if I sold quail eggs tonight - not sure how many she needs, but if I don't have enough for her (if she calls) then I'll give her your phone number. I told her 5 bucks a dozen (never sold them before - I was guessing) and she seemed fine with that.

I had taken some of the newly hatched quail with me, only sold three of them to the cutest little girl
she brought over two dollars and asked how many "baby chickies" she could get for that. I sold her two of them, then brought her over another before I left, so she'd be sure to have at least a pair (I figured she'd have better odds if she started out with three). I think she was about 7 years old
, so I made sure I told her dad what they were, so he didn't think she had bought chicken chicks.

I sold my last Light Brahma hen, didn't sell the white rocks, I don't think anyone wants those right now. Next time I go, I'm gonna put the lot through the auction if they don't sell, I want to do some coop cleaning and organizing.

I did sell the rouen ducks - didn't get great price for them, but they are gone before they get to be a problem.

I still have those dang game mix roos - gonna end up giving those away, probably - but no loss, really, someone gave them to me

I'd have taken more with me, but I had fallen asleep in the chair and didn't wake up til 2 o'clock, so I didn't have as much time to catch chickens.

I don't mind not selling the quail, cause those can always go into the freezer.

So, I'm gonna have a buttload of chicks, and pol pullets, and maybe a hen or two (and a roo or two) next time I go.

Oh, and I found out (FINALLY!) that I do have two white call drakes, but I think I'm gonna keep them both until spring, so I can choose which one to keep (and also in case one gets eaten by a coon this winter or something.) so come spring I'll have two extra drakes to sell, if they are still with me - a white and a grey. Never wintered over ducks before, so I'm hoping I don't lose any.

I'm just happy that I have more girls than boys in the duck area, now
I have two white drakes, and three hens, two pair of greys, and Joe and DD, and the pair of snowys. Not many more girls than boys (7/6) but after I find homes for two of the boys (or more) it'll be better. I don't have to worry til spring when their get their Mojo Workin', though. Then when I hatch some, I'll keep a few more girls to raise my ratio even better.

My other flocks, I now have --

giant cochins, a roo and two hens, plus four (or 5, can't recall) pullets (all blacks, I still would like a couple of blues).
buff orps, a roo and 5 hens, plus two pullets.
barred rocks, a roo and 5 hens plus three pullets.
then George and his motley crew, of course.

so, I should, in theory, be able to separate everyone into their own coops come December or so, so I can have pure eggs by late January to hatch out. Then when it gets nice out, they can all go out free range and it won't matter if they cross breed then.

I have a LOT of chickens to sell, though, to get back down to my keeps only.

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That's fine about the eggs, Meri. I'm booked up until the 27th, then again starting the 5th, but in between I have like 10 days not sold yet.

If that cochin is a roo, I don't want it!
I've got enough cochin roos, I need some more girls!! I have 3 mottled roos, 2 mottled hens, and 2 partridge pullets. I really need to find a partridge roo, but I also don't really like that color
I'm thinking about 'trying' to make a mottled partridge, but there is a lot of work involved. But it's worth a shot. I like the looks of the partridge girls, but the roos are just another red rooster, imo. I've been selling my eggs for $6 a day, which is about 2 works
I tried selling them for $5 a dozen and didn't sell many of them. I would even send like 18 or 20 eggs. So now, I send 18 or 20 eggs (up to 24) for $6, that'll teach them not to buy them buy the dozen!!

I've got quite a few birds I need to sell, but I really hate taking them to Sano!! It doesn't help that most of mine are mixed bantams, it's hard enough to sell bantams, let alone mixed ones.

New happenings today: Dad's sister brought his 'new' truck down, it's not too bad, but has quite a bit of rust near the bottom of the doors and bed. Probably from the salt they put on the roads up there.

I got 6 buff silkie babies today!! It was supposed to be 7, but radarblues said one of them died this morning. I'm thinking it's probably pasty butt, since they all seem to have that problem.

My stupid dog killed yet another chicken, and this was another ameraucana cockerel. She killed the one I wanted to keep a few days ago, so I finally put a fence around her. It blocks off her area on 3 sides (didn't have enough wire to go all the way around her). Evidently this cockerel went around the dam### fence and she got it. So now I'm left with 2 black pullets and a cockerel that is supposed to be blue, but has gold hackle and saddle feathers. So basically I have 2 pullets. I have another youngster from someone else, but it also looks like a pullet.

I think I'm going to put my 'keepers' in that small chicken house, at least until I can get some tractors built. That's my upcoming project, making tractors. Gotta wait on my money first. I should have it within 2 weeks, so I'll be busy! Lowe's has the electric conduit pvc pipe for $1 something for 10', so I'm going to go with that. I'll just need to get some kind of netting to cover the tractors with. I might take a week or two off school so I can get things done. I've got to make different cages for my buttons and coturnix also, and make some kind of house for the ducks and geese.
Oh, and I also want to make a real kennel for my dogs (Baby and Cutie Pie). Both are chicken killers, but C.P. doesn't bother them unless she's running loose. I'm going to make a kennel for her so that I can put one of dad's beagles, Midget, in with C.P. so they both aren't so lonely. C.P. barks constantly, but she's a baby. She has no one to play with way over there

Man, am I going to be busy!!
Anyone want to help? I can pay you, or feed you, or give you chickens??

Shew!! Wow, sorry about the book guys!! Guess I was on a role!
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I'll try to get some better pics of the blue cochin tomorrow, so maybe you can tell if ya want it or not - no biggie if ya don't. I can always sell it to someone.

The guy I got the three black pullets from - he had a LOT of black cochins - some adults (12 bucks each, I think he said) and some medium (maybe 4 month old) for 4 bucks and the smaller ones (I think they are about two months old) for 2 bucks. I'd have gotten the 4 dollar ones
but I had 6 bucks in my pocket and hubby was nowhere to be found, so I figured to grab what I could before he could protest.
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