Kentucky people

Well I went to the Cookeville exotic sale but didnt go to the mt hope. Last week just wore me out. Still recoperating. But I have stuff left over. We ran out of cages and room to take everything.
I brought home a new puppy. Lab and Great pyr mix. Very good puppy. And I brought home 2 mini pot belly piglets. I have wanted some for a long time.
Will see all Saturday. Hopefully no rain. Probably will be a cap day.
One of the white quail snuck out earlier when I went in to feed - lost it totally, it flew off.

Was just outside talking to Tony and Toby saw it fly up, and land, so he ran and stopped it, held it for me so I could go get it - didn't break the skin or hardly ruffled a feather.

he's a good dog

If I had known you had piggies I would have given you a 50lb bag of hog finisher growout or whatever it is called from that hwy 70 feed store. Asked for chicken scratch and they put the hog feed in the truck instead... Didn't notice til I opened it and it looked exactly like the layer mash I got also from there. Then I looked at the tag... Oh well...
But anyway, ended up taking it to the stockyard on old 27 and left it out front with a "FREE" tag on it cause I didn't know anyone with pigs.
If I had known you had piggies I would have given you a 50lb bag of hog finisher growout or whatever it is called from that hwy 70 feed store. Asked for chicken scratch and they put the hog feed in the truck instead... Didn't notice til I opened it and it looked exactly like the layer mash I got also from there. Then I looked at the tag... Oh well...
But anyway, ended up taking it to the stockyard on old 27 and left it out front with a "FREE" tag on it cause I didn't know anyone with pigs.

One feedstore in town here sells hog mash for layer mash, also (pigs or chickens can eat it.) It probably was the same thing only in a different bag

I hope you all have a great time at Chickenstock tomorrow..wish I could be there, but I have to go make some money at Shepherdsville.
Maybe next time.

The Barred Cochin Frizzles should sell well, and the Mille Fleur d'Uccles...I have way too many of them here.
Buried in ducks again too...and more on the way. I'm starting to think they are somehow crossed with rabbits.

My hens are still not laying worth a crap..I wish they would get through this molt quicker. Can't keep an egg in my house, and I'm having to short some of my egg customers...don't like doing that.

I have a couple from Georgia that stop here for eggs about once a month, and I only had seven eggs to give!!!
Pretty embarrassing!!

Anyway....have a good time folks..I'll be thinking of you. Everyone drive safe!!
I am gonna bring 2 kind of chicken's tomorrow,,,live one's and glass one' some I have collecting for a long time, and a few other odd's and end' a flea market...What time is the party starting? When do we arrive? Let me know, cause I am packing and getting ready to go...Peace
Preferably after 10, so I have plenty of time to fight with my kid, drag my butt out of the bed, fight with my kid, feed my birds, fight with my kid, try to catch that duck, and fight with my kid. Did I mention I need to fight with my kid?
I gave the etched big tile to my sister (the one with the gnostic saying) and I gave her a set of Griffon tiles (coasters) - although I may have another set of coasters around... will have to look.

I have a lot of heathen stuff - you guys probably don't want heathen stuff

I'll come up with something....

eta - I did find another set of Griffon coasters. I'll bring that along.

would anyone want a stone oil lamp with dragons on it? if so I can bring it along, too.


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Mojo Chick'n :

If I had known you had piggies I would have given you a 50lb bag of hog finisher growout or whatever it is called from that hwy 70 feed store. Asked for chicken scratch and they put the hog feed in the truck instead... Didn't notice til I opened it and it looked exactly like the layer mash I got also from there. Then I looked at the tag... Oh well...
But anyway, ended up taking it to the stockyard on old 27 and left it out front with a "FREE" tag on it cause I didn't know anyone with pigs.

One feedstore in town here sells hog mash for layer mash, also (pigs or chickens can eat it.) It probably was the same thing only in a different bag


Yeah but it was supposed to be scratch not layer feed... I asked for 2 50lbs of layer mash and 1 50lb of scratch...Well they got the layer mash right.

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