Kentucky people

Yeah I asked the vet about the possibility of some bad dogfood still circulating from that recall a couple yrs ago, he didn't know. But he said Renal(sp ?) Dysplasia is one of the many genetic problems in purebred Shelties... I always just thought it was hip Dysplasia didn't know there were more. Actually he said these genetic problems are very common in purebred dogs. When they are born, in some of the dogs, their kidneys are basically made to last only a certain number of years and when the time is up they shut down... Thats kinda how he explained it. And what Cortni(daughter) said today made a lot of sense... Amy may have not gotten the right amount of nutrient while in development. Amy was actually a rescue(as we consider it)we got her at exactly 4 wks old, the folks gave her to us because they didn't want to mess with training, the momma dog was bred to the male every time she went into heat, they never gave her a break. The male was twice her size, more the size of a miniature Collie instead of a Sheltie but they swore he won competitions and came from champion lineage. Anyway, the momma dog was almost hairless by the time she had Amy's litter and out of 4 pups, Amy was the only survivor. It was really a sad situation. Nice folks just irresponsible owners.
Hey everyone, Info I thought some of you might be interested in. Poultry Auction tomorrow, 10-17-09, at 10:00am central time at the Boyle County Fairgrounds Livestock Barn, Hwy 127 in Danville, KY. Taking consignments on chickens, turkeys, geese, guinea fowl, ducks, peafowl, pigeons, & doves. Contact # 859-326-6289, Beverly Devins. Poultry that is consigned needs to arrive between 7 & 9:30 central time. My husband picked up a flyer on it this week and thought I would pass it along.

Jo Ann
Well guys and gals, when it rains it pours... We no sooner pulled in the driveway tonight that an SUV comes around the curve and I heard what sounded like it run over a rock(had my door open exiting the car). It wasn't a rock, apparently Gypsy(our stray cat) was across in the field and saw us pull in so she must've come running across as the SUV was rounding the curve. They didn't slow down turn around nothing, just kept going like they ran over a leaf or something. She didn't suffer, it was instant death. Cortni is crying again tonight, the poor girl is losing both her pets in a few days time.
I gotta see that one...

I am so sick of RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My corral is 10 inches deep in mud mixed with calf poop. I went to do chores this morning and came in and had to change clothes completely.

Bob wouldn't get up to come up to eat (he's been acting punky the last couple days, probably gonna have to call a vet or give him a B12 shot) and I spent ten minutes tryign to drag his butt onto his feet so he'd come and eat - gave up on that (as soon as I did he got up and went to eat

Then I set up a stall for him, figured he was tired of the mud, too, so I'd give him a nice warm place to lay and to make sure he's getting enough to eat (he's the smallest of the older calves). I get him inside the outer corral and he lays down again - won't get up - In ten inches of sloppy poopy mud. argh!!!!

By this time I am so ticked I'm about ready to pick the little idiot up Incredible Hulk style and toss him into the stall (which is around the corner of the barn, a good 20 feet at least. Instead I figure fine, if ya want to lay in crappy mud, I'll drag you to the stall - so I did. The mud, at least, made him slide a lot easier than dried ground would

So I drag him into his stall and he lays there and starts eating hay happily. Meanwhile I am covered in the icky stuff head to toe and still fuming.

Oh, did I mention that during all this I had four bottle baby calves head butting my hind end and trying to "help" (or rather, trying to get milk out of my hind end). I'm dragging him one way, they are head butting me the opposite way.

Oh yeah... Farm livin' is the life for me.....

I guess my only satisfaction is that I got the stoop!d cow where I wanted him to go - I won (sort of

is it too early for a Margarita?

We just went to the orchard but it was so cold out we couldn't really do anything! My 3 year old kept asking me why I didn't bring her gloves. It was way too cold for the hay ride or the little train ride or picking apples, so we just got a couple pumpkins and gourds and ate some fried apple pie...

Brrrrr, I can't believe how freezing cold it is out there!

While we were gone my 8 week old chicks broke out of their little pen and I couldn't find them. I heard a little peep finally and followed it. They snuck into my husband's garage and were roosting all huddled together on top of his lawn mower! I guess they don't like the cold breeze outside?
Amy died today in her sleep while we were out of town...
By the time we returned home she was already stiff so must've died right after we left or maybe even before. I am glad she died in the comfort of her own home instead of scared at the vet. It was just really hard to find her this way... She was curled up in hubbys chair with her head laying across the arm. He left for Mt Sterling Thursday and she has been frequenting his chair since he left.
She was such a smart dog. Got her at 4 wks old, was housebroke by 6 wks old, at about 5-6 mos old she coralled Layne away from the road(he was a toddler then) and would follow him around the yard keeping him out of trouble... This all came natural to her with no training involved other than the housebreaking... She was the best listener in the whole world and loved everybody... Except Layne when he was a toddler, he was below her, one of the sheep she must watch over, but after he grew she got to be more affectionate toward him and would even sleep on his bed when Cortni was gone.

R.I.P. Amy Thrasher, Born: August 4, 2000 died: October 17, 2009, one of the best and most loving dogs we ever owned:

This pic I took last night after I tucked her into bed for the night:
Anyway, on a lighter note, I think I got another double yolker out of one of the EEs or the Blue AM
Check out the size of this egg:

My hand is probably about 3 inches wide:

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