Kentucky people

Well folks, I've finally found a new love


They are so cool! I was setting up one of the tractors to put the MPC chicks in, and since the tractors are bottom-less and we have rats, I had to turn it on its top so it would have a 'bottom'. I then had to put some boards on the top to keep the tarp up so the weight of water doesn't collapse it. I really didn't feel like nailling it down, I was just going to set them on there. Then I remembered the zip ties. I swear, these things hold better than any nail ever would!
Then I started making my boxes to take to Liberty. This past spring I used wire to hold the boxes together, this time I used zip ties. Not only was it 10x's faster than trying to wire it all together, the boxes are also much more sturdy. Plus the zip ties won't tear through the cardboard as easily as wire would. I think I'm in love
I'll have to make sure I always have zip ties on-hand
cthrash1 - Since the bread is weighing in at a almost 1.5lbs it is cheaper to go with the Priority Mail since you can send I think up to 70lbs in it... who could ever get that much in one of those boxes.....

So it will be $10 for shipping and $4 per loaf.... let me know how many loaves (in case you want more than 2 to cut the shipping per loaf down...

I think 4 loaves will fit quite snuggly in the box....
if you haven't made the bread yet you want to do the swap next weekend......Shepherdsville is a hour drive for us and we don't want to set up in the rain either.
Well, if it isn't raining tonight, I'm going to Sano. No idea if it'll be busy (with traders buying up cheap birds to take to Casey County) or empty (beause everyone took their birds to Casey County the day before).

I'm seriously considering just taking them in to the auction - do chores a little early (no bottle babies to deal with, yay!!) then going out and signing them in. Otherwise, I'd have to get out there at 2:30 to do any selling before I had to hurry back to do chores before dark.

I'm taking all of the quail, all of the top coop birds - only thing I'll have left to sell will be Miss Piggie's babies, who have yet to be caught so I can put them into the "sale" coop. They are some wild little boogers.

Oh, and the babies in the house right now - I wonder how much luck I'd have selling those this time of year. I don't plan to keep any of them - the ones I thought were orp eggs turned out not to be (they are white - I guess they were white rock eggs that got grabbed before the white rocks all left the farm). There are a couple of EE that are pretty - look to be bluish with a little pattern to them - very green legs, too, but I don't need them to keep, and I want to be hatching a bunch of pures soon - I only have room for just so many chicks.

I would be very very happy to take all the for sale birds and come home with empty cages - I don't even care what I get out of them at this point, I just want them gone.

Now the forecast says rain is only 30% and cloudy for tomorrow.... I'm so torn about going or not.....

Mrs. Turbo... If it doesn't rain, I'll be there... I'll make the bread and if you're not there, I'll just let the kids eat it... it will be such a hard thing for them to accept but I'm sure they'll get over it....
I'm still hearing high percentages on rain for tomorrow, but we are quite a bit farther south than you are, so it might be different for us. The only difference I've heard is that it's supposed to be a lower chance for tomorrow night. Hope so, trick-or-treating in the rain sucks
Now let me see... Maybe if I count from right to left instead of left to right I might get two instead of three Chihuahuas.

They are cute. Do they hurd chickens? or would chickens hurd them?
Meri Mojo! I need a (another) new coop as well.

I am encouraged. After moving the wet hard packed litter from around the waterer to the center of the coop and releveling the deep litter to a standard level again, I ended up getting clean eggs today. There were several dust bath holes in it but it was still relatively level.

My broody is still hard at it. I haven't seen a broody sit so still and determined as this one is. She doesn't let anything cause her to move a muscle. If I couldn't see her breathing (and you have to look closely for that) I would think she was dead.

I've been looking over my 13 week olds and trying to determine who will go and who I will keep. so far three to go and 6 to keep and one undetermined.

My seven week olds need to move outside but I am afraid that there isn't enough room. I just gotta make room. Three more weeks and I can cull/process some of my 10 week olds. Then I should have more room but by then all of the remainder will be getting big.

What was I thinking this summer? hum... (Fried chicken, Roast chicken, Broiled chicken, Chicken pot pie. etc...) Well it's time to start making it work. It seems that the easy part is comming to an end and now the hard part prior to the rewards.

Got to go to work tonight. The rain front will be here in lexington tomorrow and hopefully it will be through in time to let the tricker treaters come by. Coloring books for the little ones
and chicken remains for the big ones
... cue evil laugh (HA ha ha ha haaaa)

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