Kentucky people

what a great idea to contact TSC on her behalf and start a coop benefit for her! Love your wanting soy free organic chickens and yes it is catching on here...
sure do wish I lived within 3 or 4 hours of LaGrange so I could volunteer my time to help Vicki..I really hope ya'll are able to get a good group together and get this done for her.

Dh is willing to help as well. I think we really just need some hammers and nails. The frame is up and most of the design of the structure is already in place. We need to coordinate a day. what is y'alls availability?

Please let me know when ya'll be doing this. I'm about 8 hours away but I would be willing to give up a weekend to help.
Thanks so much for the condolences and the compliments on my late husband's work of art. I'm sure you can appreciate how much I want to finish what he started. I have the siding up and painted even through the funeral and visitation. I just can't seem to sleep and have had someone around me at all times. They don't seem to want to leave me alone. I have the post holes dug and the posts set. I have contacted a roofer about coming out and putting shingles on the roof, so that should be done next weekend. It is a small house so hopefully that won't take him too long. I ordered the hardware cloth and it will be in on Wednesday.

What I need help with is finishing the panels of fencing for the run. I don't even know what kinds of wood to buy. I have the fencing.

I also need to purchase the linoleum for the floor and the glue to lay it with, the lumber for the dividing wall inside, the lumber for the laying boxes, poop board and roosts. Someone to set the door into place for the coop and fabricate a door into the coop section of the house, also a door into the run. Am I forgetting anything.

Tomorrow I plan on going outside and seeing if I can figure out how to finish the trim on the house. Pray for me, maybe my honey can channel some of his carpentry skills through me even if only on a temporary basis until I finish his work. God rest his soul. I love that man and feel like half of me is gone but I have to get this done.

Thanks again.
Hon, we are here for you.

Is there a weekend that we could set up and gather together to finish off you coop? Something that works for you? My husband is off every other weekend (on this off next) He's not very handy but he's big enough to haul heavy stuff, lol.

What do you need us to do?


I met a lady this week-end who lives in Georgetown and has been looking for the following types of standard chickens:
Black Australorp
Buff Orpington
Barred Rocks

I only have bantams, I can't help her she wants these for eggs.

Does anyone have these breeds for sale??

kim in georgetown
ask Shelley if she has any BRs yets. she has a trio that she is breeding. And, don't know if Meri gets on here anymore or even if she still breeds them but she used to breed and sell BOs. Me or Shelley can find out for you. Shelley and her both live in Columbia.
Also, if she wants them just for eggs, I will have several chicks hatching soon that are from my Welsummer roo and the breeds of girls(minus the marans, still too young) in my signature line below. There will be a mix of different shades of brown and some olive eggs laid by the girls from the hatched chicks. If she wants them let me know, she can have them free. ALL of my girls are strong, steady, reliable layers so their female chicks should be too and most of my girls came from Shelley & Meri.
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My BR aren't pure right now, I had to turn them out since they weren't laying. I think a bantam OEG roo has taken over as 'flock master' since the BR roo was attacked by the stupid dog. Meri should have BR as well if she hasn't gotten rid of them, and I'm pretty sure she still has Buff Orpingtons.

edit to fix something, didn't look right saying Meri has BO
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