Kentucky people

Anyone need some geese? I have 4 youngsters that have got to go, they are starting to get aggressive to anyone/anything other than me. They attack the dog (which is really not a good idea since she does bite them back), they go after my son, and in the past few days they've started charging my dad and visitors. One is a pure African, the other 3 are African/Embden mixes. I believe the African is a gander, and I think 2 of the 3 others are also male, but they could all be males, it's hard to say with mixes. Honestly, if you go by the thinner neck and legs thing, I'd say the African is female, but it sure doesn't act like it! Anyway, if anyone is interested, I'm asking $15 each OBO. I'll probably take them to the Consignment Auction in Liberty if I don't sell them beforehand.

Here's a video with them in it, all the birds with black bills

ETA: The mixes all have a white bar across the front of their breasts.
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Hi Shelly,
I might be interested in your geese. Esp. the African. My mother would love it. She has other geese and loves them. She is 80% deaf and all the noise don't bother her. They are all her pets and she never sells them. I will talk to her tomorrow and get back to you tomorrow evening. Thanks, Judy
Cthrash were you in Mt. Sterling or over to Preston? I went over there hoping to find some cockerels for meat and feathers. Lots of nice banties, gamecocks and even pheasants, but the large fowl were really pitiful. I am not sure I saw any that didn't have leg mites. Some were truly shocking - deformed or broken feet, grossly swollen with mites, crammed in cages with no effort to shade them. Many were plucking each other bald, not just molting. My son remarked as we drove home, he didn't know just how good our birds have it. He said it out of the blue, I hadn't wanted to say anything to him around the sellers.

We washed our hands very thoroughly when we hit a truck stop on the way home.
wood&feathers :

Cthrash were you in Mt. Sterling or over to Preston? I went over there hoping to find some cockerels for meat and feathers. Lots of nice banties, gamecocks and even pheasants, but the large fowl were really pitiful. I am not sure I saw any that didn't have leg mites. Some were truly shocking - deformed or broken feet, grossly swollen with mites, crammed in cages with no effort to shade them. Many were plucking each other bald, not just molting. My son remarked as we drove home, he didn't know just how good our birds have it. He said it out of the blue, I hadn't wanted to say anything to him around the sellers.

We washed our hands very thoroughly when we hit a truck stop on the way home.

We are having the worst leg mite problem. I can't get rid of them, I treat with vasoline and they just keep comin back!! How do you get them out of the pens? Their pens are stuffed with straw.

Hello to the Banty person! I'm also in Lexington!​
Put DE or sevin dust in the pens and spray their legs with WD-40. That should take care of it

ETA: Personally, I think I'd go with sevin dust then put DE in their coop once a month or so. You can also get a spray to 'clean' their coop with, though you'd have to ask in the pests section cause I can't remember what the name of the stuff is.

I wonder if ivermectin works on leg mites? I have ivermectin pour-on cattle wormer for my chickens, it gets rid of internal and external (mites and lice) parasites. Don't know if that works for leg mites though
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We are having the worst leg mite problem. I can't get rid of them, I treat with vasoline and they just keep comin back!! How do you get them out of the pens? Their pens are stuffed with straw.

Hello to the Banty person! I'm also in Lexington!

A few of my girls have them too... Just might try that WD-40 on the two that are just starting... Don't know that I will use it on the other... Hers is worse. Been soaking them with VetRX before I add the vasoline.
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I have always used an old remedy that I read about somewhere long ago. It's 2 parts linseed oil and 1 part kerosene..mix it and use a paintbrush to treat their legs and paint it on the roost poles as well. It's always worked well for me. The kerosene kills the mites and the linseed oil softens the skin and aids in smothering the mites.
Hi! I'm in Central KY - in Stanford. I traded a door and got two chicks and two ducks in the trade. My hen started laying eggs about 10 days ago and she's faithfully given us an egg every day. One of the chicks grew into a rooster - he's very pretty, very boisterous and for some reason does not like my 5 yr old daughter! He's not really had a chance at the other two. I don't really trust him now. He's pecked me really good (in a bad way) twice now. The ducks are cuyhuga (sp?) or cuyhuga-mix. They are the black with pretty green - one has a white patch on it's neck.

We're in the process of building a permanent and as-secure-as-we-can-make-it-run on our 65 acre farm. Then we plan on adding a few more layers and try our hand at some meaties. We will start incubating some eggs tomorrow to see what that gets us. Hubby and I are hoping for chicks, the kids are hoping for something more exciting like dinosaurs, super heroes or something else.

My hen is white with a red comb. She's laying medium sized brown eggs. Anyone have a guess at what she may be? We're curious - doesn't really matter much to us.

Someone told me tonight that you can sex a duck by what it says. A female says "quack" and a male is different - not sure how to type it. Is this true?

Other than 3 girls, 2 chickens, 2 ducks, we have 2 cats and a dog. The cats could care less about the birds - I've even had one of the kids in the pen with me and he did absolutely nothing but sit in my lap. My dog goes bonkers around the birds. I'm not sure what she'd do with them - she's not a hunter. She has more herding instinct in her and she's not even good at that!!! Gotta love pound pups
Male ducks (drakes) you can think of them as if they have lost their voice. Their sounds are very raspy. Females (ducks) have a noticeable 'quack'. As for the hen, I can't think of one right off that is white and lays brown eggs? Maybe a white rock? Is she very big?
I have 4 lion head rabbits that need to go to a new better equipped home. There are 2 white ones with some black on their ears and face and 2 brown ones. When we got them we thought there was 1 boy and 3 girls but the 2 white ones have been fighting. Well the big white one has been attacking the smaller white one. They both have war wounds and I separated them and now the big white one is in a pen by itself. Which is taking the night pen away from my Blue Orpihington Roo. I really don't want him eaten and would rather the rabbits moved than he became some coons dinner. I've had them for sale but I will trade if somebody has something I can use. I really need them gone ASAP. I live in the north west corner of tennessee. I can meet somebody as long as it's not very far to do a trade. What I can really use are bator parts, but just about anything related to the incubation and care of chickens and quail would be used and i'll even concider a chicken or two. Chicks maybe or even hatching eggs, depending on the breed. I don't need anymore RIR or Buff Orphingtons. A silkie hen or pullet would be great. I'll take an EE hen or two.

Hopefully somebody can use some rabbits. They love to be petted but the bigger white one wlll let you pet it when it wants to . The other 3 will move my hand off another one to their head for me to pet. They are very friendly but they don't get handled besides the petting everyday. I'm sure they would make a nice pet for somebody. Please PM me if you have an offer.

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