Kentucky people

Sooo sweet Whimsy! I love broodies! I have 2 Silkies and a Cochin sitting (setting? have to look that up) on eggs and all are due to hatch this Sunday. The Silkies are a hoot as one went broody just a few days after the other and they are sharing 5 eggs between them in the same nestbox (fortunately it is an extra large box!). Every time one gets up to eat and stretch her legs, the other steals her eggs.
I always check after lunch and give one of them a couple of the eggs back. I'll have to move them tomorrow night each to their own private hatching boxes.
Whimsy: So Sweet

I've got ducklings hatchin somewheres around May 11 (theyre under 2 broody duck hens), got 20 lavendar orpington eggs under 3 broodies (but i think they are not fertile, sad thing is I actually bought these eggs from someone
), 42 of my barnyard eggs in the bator to hatch this month & my friend is hatching me some more silkies... hatch day this Saturday. I only have 1 silkie chick (1 week old) from the 2 I hatched out... just found one dead the other morning
Just sold 3 layin hens (that make 10 I've sold this year, plus 10 chicks)... they lady already has her name down for 5 ducklings after they hatch (around may 11),
kyrose wrote:
Jen4 wrote:

Whimsy: So Sweet love

I've got ducklings hatchin somewheres around May 11 (theyre under 2 broody duck hens), got 20 lavendar orpington eggs under 3 broodies (but i think they are not fertile, sad thing is I actually bought these eggs from someone sad ), 42 of my barnyard eggs in the bator to hatch this month & my friend is hatching me some more silkies... hatch day this Saturday. I only have 1 silkie chick (1 week old) from the 2 I hatched out... just found one dead the other morning sad

jen,ive got ducks in the bator also.this is my first try with duck eggs.what do you keep your humidity at?​

My 17 duck eggs are not in my bator, they are under my two duck hens
I've never hatched duck eggs in my bator, yet. These are my 1st ducks, I got them last summer (5) ended up with 2 hens & 3 drakes, this is their 1st year layin, we got a handful of eggs from them then they both went broody, lol. I've gotten to candle some of the eggs & they are fertile & developing
So I hope I get lots of ducklings
I have 3 broody ducks and a broody goose...I don't know what their humidity is either

But for incubator ducks I try to keep the humidity around 45% during incubation and around 60% for hatching...or somewhere around there
I'm not real strict on humidity as long as it doesn't get too high.

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