Kentucky people

I first bought 7 newly hatched chicks and could not wait to get eggs so I cheated and bought some laying hens.
Really? I'm glad to hear that they will drink it warm. I've run myself crazy trying to keep their water cool! LOL I'll have a chat with the person who told me that.

On the plus side, the winds have picked up and temps have dropped almost 20 degrees here. Sweet, sweet relief.
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I caught my doe rabbit laying in her water dish yesterday, at least as much of her as she could fit in it. But that's okay, she had 9 babies last night, so I'm sure she was burning up! She now has an endless supply of ice bottles to snuggle with, gotta keep mama happy!
Of course this depends on how many birds you have and how docile they are, but yesterday I filled a tub (plastic tub, not bathtub) with cold water, and one by one I gently dunked each bird (except my roo). Only one girl actually seemed to enjoy it. I know I feel cooler when I'm wet, and I know my dogs seem to cool down when they're wet, so I went with that thought. It did stop their panting for a little while...
But if your birds are on the wilder side, the stress it would put them through would not be worth it most likely...

Birds dust bathe to keep dry/cool, I'm sure water would work but a good sand box would work too.
Ms. Lewis Rich :

Hey Terri love the frozen Pea idea, but mine won"t eat peas will try frozen corn LOL

I keep the smaller eggs to feed to the chickens. In hot weather I boil the eggs the day before then take them fresh from the fridge outside to the hens. I'm sure it helps some. In cold weather I do the opposite, take hot/warm eggs out to the birds. Every little bit helps and I don't use the small (mixed) eggs. Of course eventually I 'plan' to not have any mixes, so I don't know what I'll do then. Guess I'll have to give them quail eggs or grow some extra cucumbers!

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