Kentucky people

Hi from Spencer County~Chicken people are Fun & very Helpful
Yesterday evening I saved one of my teen chicks, I went to feed/water the animals & seen her layin on the ground, ran over & picked her up, I do believe she was havin a heat stroke, I though her neck was broke & she was gonna die. I brought her inside laid her in a cage to rest & cool down, gave her sips of water, by last night she was doin alittle better & this mornin shes was doin alittle more better, I'm keepin her in the house today. She can hold her head up now but shes still just restin alot. Heres some pics. & the story... Somethings Wrong With Her .
aww poor baby.thank goodness all of mine seem to be doing pretty good.dont know how tho,wearing a down coat 24/7.its unbelievable how much they can take..
With the heat so fierce mine are handing out under the pines and near our pond. One thing my husband did for them though that made them very happy is took the tiller into the coop and tilled a huge area for them. So now they have shade and lose dirt they can roll and dig in. It really seems to help them cool off.
I finally had to drag out an ugly old tarp and rig some shade in the run. They have some (the coop is on cinderblocks with a 10 inch clearance so they can rest under there) and I planted a fairly fast growing tree but the heat and sun are so intense, I felt bad for them and tried to shade more of the sand so that maybe they could dig in and cool off better. Old soda bottles filled with water and frozen are bobbing around in the water, too. I had to bring a few of the younger ones inside this week- nearly lost them to the heat. It's a wonder I didn't the way they were acting when I found them!

When are we supposed to get a break?! I keep shaking my head that I was so anxious for summer this year. I'm not really a 'snow' person but winter is looking pretty appealing right now...

EDIT: It's hot enough that I ALMOST let them free-range but if they got into my husband's blackberries.... well, I'd have a full freezer and an empty coop.
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