Kentucky people

anyone in Northern KY area know if Tewes Poultry Farm still offers processing?

I don't know, but I'm interested to see if they still do, as well. (Just in case I chicken out.
any one from ky. up and running yet. tewes farm has a website and you can contact them for more info. as you can imagine they are very busy this time of year
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i could not find much info on chickens there either. i do know its a family farm and they do a great job there. i think if you were to e mail them they could send more info on chicks.
I am going today to get bedding for the chickens and rabbits. I have been using straw but thought i would try cedar shavings,however,i have seen some comments not to use cedar. Would you have any idea why not cedar
Cedar is oilier than pine and produces an odor that can cause severe respiratory ailments in young chicks.
I don't know how much effect it has on the larger chickens' respiratory system, but I would just stick to pine to be safe.

Cedar is oilier than pine and produces an odor that can cause severe respiratory ailments in young chicks.
I don't know how much effect it has on the larger chickens' respiratory system, but I would just stick to pine to be safe.


I use wheat straw and haven't had any problems.
Yeah I sent them a email. Not sure what they have. I'm looking for a good larger breed for meat a( not the Cornish x) and maybe some more layers. I had a silkie rir cross but it had something wrong with it and died young. I know a guy with some rir/silkie crosses I'm trying to convince selling me one. My wife is wanting a showgirl and I just want a hen that will sit on eggs lol. My cousin got a silkie and it seems to do good as far as going Broody. I currently have 5 hens and 1 roo all barred rocks. I lost a few in the last month or so. ( had 9 total) I am also noticing a major decrease in egg production. I think there laying in my neighbors shed. Not sure. Might have to shut the door and lock them in the tractor for a few days. Show them where home is again.... Ok now I'm rambling on and on. Anyways I'm trying to find a hatchery that dosnt have a min on the order. I. Wanted to order a few chicks in the past and I placed a order and they wanted a min order of 25. Anyone know of a reasonably priced hatchery that will ship like 5?

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