Kentucky people

We have 9 chicks hatched at my daughter's school from our eggs. Six are pure cubalaya, 3 are half cuba half cuckoo Marans. I thought we would keep them, but now I have a Marans hen sitting on 12 pure cubalaya eggs. I seperated her, because another Marans is trying to brood and wanted to steal her eggs. The cubalayas have been much better layers than I expected. I am getting 5 or 6 eggs a week from each hen, and they have laid since January.

We will sell some of the started birds if anyone is interested. They are spoiled rotten and quite tame. Three of the pure chicks will be white, three are red pyle. They are three weeks old now, I was thinking of taking some to a TSC trade day next month. They are show stock from Cubalaya (BYC name) in Virginia.
I am from Manchester, KY, Clay Co. I know it has a bad reputation. Don't hold it against me,lol. Manchester, is almost in the middle of nowhere. I work in food service for the county school system and I also go to college online. We used to have a ton of chickens but we give up the hobby for a few years other than a few running around, but now we are back in the chicken life. My son and I love chickens, my husband and yougest daughter like them but not like me and my son. We have 2 butcher roosters, 1 hatch grey rooster, hatch hen, a minner blue rooster and a blue hen. The hatch hen has 5 chicks with her, the blue hen is on 14 eggs now, we have a couple other roosters I don't know the breed of. Running loose and everywhere is my daughters chickens they are a few months old, she has an easter egger rooster, barred rock rooster, and white silkie hen, running with these are my sons hen and rooster turken which are the same age. We just hatched 4 spangled butchers, 1 hatch/grey, 5 showgirls and 1 golden polish frizzle. That may have covered it. Hope I didn't leave any out, but I'm sure I did. Anyway. It just ain't right to live in KY and not have any chickens,lol.

Keep hatching Kentuckians, Jennifer
I'm a snow angel also!! I am of the firm belief that if it's gonna be cold...we should have snow on the ground!
Thats the thing, we didnt get any real cold this year at all. Not to mention everything bloomed and had leaves 4-6 weeks earlier than normal. I didnt mind it, I HATE the cold and the snow. Its pretty to look at, but I dont like being stuck indoors because of the weather or temperature. Althought, I will say, we do need at least 30 days of real cold weather every winter, something to help kill off all the insects and things.

Hey everyone. Im new to this site. I live in the oldham county area. I started this year off with 12 chickens but lost 3 to a fox earlier this week. A 4th one was injured, broken wing and leg injury but she moves around just fine (she does have a small limp). I really don't know what to do with her, i feel like since she is moving around and does not seem to be in pain, that i should just let her heal (she is currently healing in my house). comments on that? also, does anyone know of a place or someone that will take unwanted extra roosters?

Welcome. If she appears to be OK I would let her heal separate from the flock. When you re introduce her be sure the others don't peck on her. Chickens adapt well. I take all unwanted roosters but I am a little far from you.

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