Khaki Campbell's hatching eggs

My KC became broody for the first time about three weeks ago. She will be a year old next month. For two days, I noticed she was hiding during afternoon-snack time. Then I saw her flying down to the lake for a quick snack then she ran back to the bushes. I followed her only to find she's lying on a nest! I was so excited bc she lays an egg a day and now she was actually guarding her little nest.

While broody, her maternal instincts have kicked in. She has to put her guard up bc she's trying to hatch / protect her future babies. It is natural for them to become moody.

Make sure that your hen had access to fresh water so she can bathe in. I recently learned that the moisture from her feathers feeds the eggs so they can continue to grow. Keep food and water close by at all times so feh doesn't have to leave her nest for long.

I wouldn't handle her eggs too much. She probably knows what she's doing, even though it may be her first time.

Good luck!!
I love all the new information I'm learning from everyone. Currently working to get our coop and run approved by Columbus, Ohio. Now I'm looking for someplace close to get some eggs for the incubator. I'm looking for Khaki Campbell and Rouen eggs. Can't have too many...thinking of about 6 eggs. Anyone have an idea where to get the eggs? Thank you for any suggestions.
How big are khaki Campbell eggs. I just got 10 and they are really small compared to my Pekin eggs they are probably actually smaller then the Leghorn chicken eggs I have also. Just wondering if this is normal.
Khaki Campbell are considered medium in size compared to Large in size for Pekin. Khaki Campbell are more brooder and lay more eggs, on average, than Perkin. Pekin is more a meat bird than a lay bird.

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