Kids can be so gross! Are yours?

mine is only 5 you guys are scareing me

So far the biggest problem is he won't clean his bedroom and I can't get in it wonder what I will find I dont' want to know
Besides missing the toilet, my boys didn't start to get really gross until they hit about 5. Now, some people may think this is gross but my 3 y/o daughter is a bug freak. Rollie Pollies, moths, any caterpiller, mosquito hawks, etc. She's all over it! She's even got her own critter collecting jar. I allowed her to bring an inchworm with us to the grocery store and she was stopping anyone that came close to come see her worm.
holy moly I have been lmao.....but lets start with my son 17 and daughter 18.

My son yeah the lotion thing and any thing else he can find slickery. Won't shower for is filthy with dishes and garbage. Yes his room stinks to high heaven too. Oh pees in bottles and drinking cups which the cups has stopped threw them out everytime and I could tell smelled like a sewer in my kitchen sink when he brought his dishes out finally but I would have to keep telling him to or not let him have what he wants till he does. Oh yeah won't wear underware at all wears shorts under his pants though. Does not wash his clothes very often and only has one or two outfits he will wear. Won't brush teeth.

Ok daughter she just leaves her room a complete mess like a tornado went through there....Clean and dirty clothes mixed all over the floor....she won't pick up after her dog poos in there every nigh I threaten he can stay outside then she will for a day or two then right back to leaving will stay dry and crusted on everything clothes mostly....he has to poop on something in your purse on your clothes in or on your shoe and she will leave it for days. Brushes teeth a little more than my son. She don't shower as often as I think she should as in daily.

No one will turn out lights so I remove the light bulbs.

No one knows how to clean the counters after making food.

They can't do anything to help in the house.....let alone their rooms and bathroom.

Everyone tries to use the kitchen sink to wash gross stuff in and I freak out go to the bathroom sink.

The night me and my husband first stayed together my son was 3 not potty trained yet(that is a whole nother story).....but my husband woke up cause he heard my son and looked to where my son was and to my husbands surprise was poop mittens up in the air.....literally caked totally solid on my sons hands....I was then woken up my husband was not having nothing to do with that.
I dunno, those without kids are probably terrified, those of us with kids are having flashbacks?

A few summers agao, our son and his cousins when about 5 or 6 yrs old decided to make a mud pit in the sand pile to play. Did they get a bucket of water, drag the hose out? No, that would be work, it was easier to *pee* in sand pile to make mud. I thought my wife's sister-in-law (the germophobe) was going to have a stroke.

Yeah, at this point, I think it's a toss-up between kids and two dogs who love to roll in chicken manure.

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