Kids, our newest predator

Since the mother doesn't care, press criminal charges for damage to your property. Parents are responsible for their children and their children's violations of the law. THat should make her care. Don't drop the charges after she apologizes, either.
OMG! Is that the lone duckling of the two that you mentioned earlier in the duck forum?!
I was so pulling for that little guy after his brother died! How are the other eggs doing? Awwwwww, man!
I'm going to cry for a week now.

Yes, call the cops or call the local humane society or anyone else dealing with cruelty to animals. Also, check your local laws and find out what you are allowed to have. Perhaps you can "hide" some of your flock when the police come around. Most towns let you have a few ducks/chickens and if your neighbors have them, you're probably OK. There may be limits, so I would check the laws so that you don't draw any attention to yourself or your other neighbors. If anyone asks, say you got rid of them because of what the boys did.

I knew of a kid who posted a lot of killdeer videos on Youtube. He was very involved with some killdeer nests and chicks and even hatched one himself. He did several videos of them and was so happy about their hatching, just loved them so much. Then, some other kid came and stepped on one of their heads a few hours after they hatched. I think they ended up taking the other three in. Still cry thinking about that as I love killdeer chicks as much or more than ducklings. People like that should go to jail.

I've been thinking I should stop visiting the Predator forum as it's starting to make me sad.
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Yes, it's the duckling from the duck forum. None of the other eggs hatched unfortunately.
It's a shame, the momma sat on those eggs for soo long and her only two babies died.
She was calling out to him when we found him, it was soo freaking sad.
The saddest part of it was that me and my boyfriend were growing so attached to him,
we'd bring him in for a few hours everyday and feed him duck starter and play with him.
I cannot believe little children could hurt an animal like that, it makes me sick.
It clearly was not an accident, they must have known the difference.
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I'm one of the lurkers who always reads but never posts. But I'm going to pop out for a minute.

Some years back a young boy tortured and killed my sons hamster while we were all in the other room. His parents and grandparents said, 'boys will be boys, what's the big deal'. We skipped the police report and called social services who were VERY interested in the situation and paid a call on the family. Suddenly it wasn't such a small deal anymore.

I'm so sorry for what you're going through.
Im not kidding when I say "I want to puke!" I read your story and seriously got sick to my stomach call the police on those punks! If it were me They would have gotten more than a stern talking to with my foot up their behinds right up to their parents door with the dead duckling to prove it! Evilness ( killing animals/pets) in children start young and only gets worse as they age-freaks! How young are we talking??? Dosent matter but I so would threaten the parents that if their children got on my property again-expect some tears crying all the way home from them and some splinters from what should have been done immediately from the parents! CALL THOSE COPS PLEASE!
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I would have called the police a while ago. If they were mine...gosh, I wouldn't tolerate for a SECOND, ANYONE messing with my animals.

Regardless of whether you are allowed to keep your chickens, something has to be done. If you are legal, you have your resolution. If you are not, I would complain anyway. If I had to get rid of my animals for them to be safe and unharmed, that is the price I'd pay. I would not stand for this. Reading this post makes me sick. I'm still a kid, and if my animals were being abused, I'd have the last laugh. I'd make sure of it.

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