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You know about the Aviation Museum in Ohio?

Well, that's a wonderful & refreshing "cheerleading" .... and in my head I see the above dialogue as parallel to this......
Just finished watching a movie with my kiddos; title is "Tall Girl" & it was a very good "message story" for them. Oh, it was awkward for me given my self confidence/PTSD issues and recalling my Jr & high school year crap I struggled through. The talk with them about details they picked up on in the movie was wonderful. Heartwarmingly wonderful.... We talked on and off (deep sigh); g-a-w-d I so hope their voyage through adolescence is at least a little less rocky then mine was.
I'll keep these memories - for sure. (Smirks) especially when they get really cranky..... It'll help smooth over those ruffled feathers in the future. And hopefully those "post crankiness realizations" will continue & the laughs will fall into place for the learning and we will all still keep growing.

I'm holding out to achieve the "cool dad on the street" title some day. I'm not given up on it, or them. šŸ–– :fl:cool:
I've not been to the one in Ohio. I haven't been through there in a long time, but it sounds fascinating. I HAVE been to the Hagley museum, just outside of DC. It's where the Air and Space museum started and it's still there. I took my Dad down there, just before he lost his sight, and am I ever glad I did! Turns out, when he was a student/intern at General Motors Institute (GMI - now Kettering) he worked on one of the actual models on display there. It was a prototype of a "new" jet engine. He got REALLY excited when he saw it and started telling us - and a growing crowd of patrons - about little details of that specific engine and the project in general. Shortly after that, macular degeneration and retinal detachment did a serious number on his eyesight - but when we talk about that day, his "vision" is a crystal clear. It's a great memory!

Isn't it cool how insightful young children can be? It's so easy to just write off their opinions as "inexperienced" and "naive," but we would all be better people if we took more time to really listen to and weigh their opinions. Treasure those memories, for certain ... but be sure you make time for more conversations like that. In the years that come, you won't be the only one to remember them!
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