Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

So are these your chickens that are in barn? And do you think they could be their eggs? Or still don't know where they came from?
Momma Hope didn't read!

No there are not my chickens.
They are wild/abandoned/roaming chickens that visit the horse stables, I guess.
I have seen all three chickens (2 hens and 1 rooster) a few times now.
Just haven't found any more eggs YET.
It takes me all of 4 seconds to candle an egg.
Right now I don't see the problem with handling the egg for this short period of time.
I may change my mind. :confused:
Hens get off the nest to do their business once per day... five minutes of cooling for all of the eggs... I dont see a problem with it...

Hens get off the nest to do their business once per day... five minutes of cooling for all of the eggs... I dont see a problem with it...

Thanks Deb...I don't see a problem with it either.
Momma Hope didn't read!

No there are not my chickens.
They are wild/abandoned/roaming chickens that visit the horse stables, I guess.
I have seen all three chickens (2 hens and 1 rooster) a few times now.
Just haven't found any more eggs YET.
I read some of =D
Lol I must have missed the part of them not being yours, for some reason I thought they were yours and started their own flock!

Before afternoon day 5 candle

Afternoon candle
after candle
I wanted to see just how much the temp drops when I sneak the eggs out. It doesn't drop much at all :celebrate

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