Kiki's Fresh Freaky Friday Fun Fudge Fantastic-ness

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OH! Btw!! Apparently freaky dude has his own YouTube and he’s like a musician or something!? If you can call him that. 😂🤣 so is the big guy apparently!! And the YouTube is just disturbing. :lau also I found this interview that made my head hurt :lau last part is the best haha


And here’s his YouTube channel and the interview.

There are some very disturbing ones on there 😂🤣
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Holy mackerel!! :eek: our family isn’t that big :lau well my mom’s side I thought was but evidently not 😂🤣
It wasn't long ago in rural areas where people farmed or raised animals or in some way worked their land that it was thought of as cheap labor to have a lot of kids.
Or maybe my family is just full of fertile horn balls.
It wasn't long ago in rural areas where people farmed or raised animals or in some way worked their land that it was thought of as cheap labor to have a lot of kids.
Or maybe my family is just full of fertile horn balls.
Oh wow that makes sense actually haha my dad only has one brother and then my mom has 3 siblings but of those 3, one only has one kid, another has no kids, and the other only has 3. My dad’s brother has 3 too. And then of course we also have 3 in our family. 😂🤣 apparently a popular number lol I think my aunt with the 3 kids her husband has a big family I think but idk.
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