Kiki's Friday Night EXPLOSION....ENDS TONIGHT July 8th

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Nah the "not a show prospect" was in regards to "very nice face." He's very handsome but didn't make the cut.
The high tail is talking about his responses during the temperament test. All the puppies were tested with the Volhard test, you can look it up if you want. The high tail and poor retrieve is why his score is just a little higher than Green's.
Ahhh okay that makes sense!!! Thank you!! I’ve heard of the test before but haven’t looked it up in a while hahah I know there’s a couple different ones now I think? Is a higher score bad or?
Actually, the retrieving test is commonly used for therapy dogs to test how inclined a dog is to do tasks for you. It's less about the actual retrieving.
Anyway, I've left it up to the breeder. She knows what we're looking for.
When I was doing training with my pug... they said (therapy trainers) if she tried to retrieve or leave, she wasn’t going to pass for what I needed her for. I needed her for other things though not to do things for me, she’s too short to do anything besides bring me balls. More stay with me to determine if my health is good and leave to get someone if it’s not.

I didn’t get her certified, I just had them teach me what to do with her to make her just as good as those other dogs. They were the trainers at my hospital. They bring me dogs every time I’m hospitalized and I get the dogs in trouble 😂 Last time one was sleeping on the job in my bed (oops) their fault for asking if I’d watch him for a bit.

Like right now my husband just walked in the door and she has not left my side because she’s not supposed to (and she doesn’t want to). She can get a bit adventurous outside sometimes but once I’m out of view she hunts me down. We just started working on letting her loose outdoors (she’s 11 years old). After 11 years I finally trust her 😂 We never lived in the country until recently so I didn’t want her running in the street or something.
Interesting! I don't need a therapy dog but they would both be excellent at it.
I'm happy with green. He will see a lot of "interesting" things in his life.. vet clinics, ranches, large animals, exotic animals, fosters, etc. We want a calm and confident pup and I think he will be perfect.
Therapy dogs are different than service dogs though, right? Like therapy is visiting other people and stuff and the service is doing tasks etc. so maybe for service dogs the retrieve is important? Since some people need their dog to retrieve dropped items etc. for them. And maybe for therapy and/or emotional support dogs since the goal is to just be loved on the retrieve isn’t as important? Maybe that’s why those trainers said that. Even for a medical alert dog, the retrieve probably is not quite as important as it would be for another type of service dog that would need to be retrieving lots. Although of course like you said it’s more about their willingness to perform the tasks. Which Gold seems like he would rather be loved on 😂🤣 which is perfect for a therapy/visiting dog or ESA but maybe not so perfect for an SD 😂🤣
Therapy dogs are different than service dogs though, right? Like therapy is visiting other people and stuff and the service is doing tasks etc. so maybe for service dogs the retrieve is important? Since some people need their dog to retrieve dropped items etc. for them. And maybe for therapy and/or emotional support dogs since the goal is to just be loved on the retrieve isn’t as important? Maybe that’s why those trainers said that. Even for a medical alert dog, the retrieve probably is not quite as important as it would be for another type of service dog that would need to be retrieving lots. Although of course like you said it’s more about their willingness to perform the tasks. Which Gold seems like he would rather be loved on 😂🤣 which is perfect for a therapy/visiting dog or ESA but maybe not so perfect for an SD 😂🤣
I was visited by a Golden Retriever when I was in the hospital after being diagnosed. I think that her name was "Luna." She was so cute and friendly!
Went to DB’s to give him some eggs and money I owed him and see the dogs. Picked some raspberries while there. They’re pretty tiny but tasty lol there was also a robin’s nest in the middle of the raspberry bushes. :love so I backed off and left it alone after snapping a couple quick pics. Didn’t touch anything.

Ahhh okay that makes sense!!! Thank you!! I’ve heard of the test before but haven’t looked it up in a while hahah I know there’s a couple different ones now I think? Is a higher score bad or?
It depends on what you're looking for. 1 is very dominant and aggressive, 6 is very aloof and unconfident.
The "easiest" family dog would be a 4, showdog material is a 3.
These are all generalizations and just one tool that a breeder can use to match pups to owners. In a high quality, very consistent litter of a mild mannered breed like a golden retriever.. it's pretty much splitting hairs, apart from a golden child or two (or 6, in this case).
I was visited by a Golden Retriever when I was in the hospital after being diagnosed. I think that her name was "Luna." She was so cute and friendly!
She sounds amazing. :love I’ve met a therapy dog at the fair a couple times before and a few at school once or twice and they were the sweetest dogs. :love
It depends on what you're looking for. 1 is very dominant and aggressive, 6 is very aloof and unconfident.
The "easiest" family dog would be a 4, showdog material is a 3.
These are all generalizations and just one tool that a breeder can use to match pups to owners. In a high quality, very consistent litter of a mild mannered breed like a golden retriever.. it's pretty much splitting hairs, apart from a golden child or two (or 6, in this case).
Thank you!!! Very interesting!!! :love

And yeah, I saw another Golden litter recently that used it and most of them were like all 3s and 4s 😂🤣
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