Kiki's Friday Night Extravagant CELEBRATION!!!

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Just that one at the front -- my dear little Spook.
He hatched in the house and imprinted on me.
I can pick him up, too, but it's rather hard to take a picture of him when I'm holding the lad.
So, I just take pictures like this one, with me simply petting him:View attachment 2239279
He's so sweet.
So majestic
never. when I leave a room, lights go off.
When I turn the lights off, DH says, "Why'd you turn that off?" Me: "Cause we're going out." Him: "Leave it on. I don't know why you always want to turn them off. They don't use any power."

To be fair, Nearly all our lights are LEDs, but still, you know... you're s'posed to turn them off. :barnie
When I turn the lights off, DH says, "Why'd you turn that off?" Me: "Cause we're going out." Him: "Leave it on. I don't know why you always want to turn them off. They don't use any power."

To be fair, Nearly all our lights are LEDs, but still, you know... you're s'posed to turn them off. :barnie
We usually leave at least one light on when we leave so it looks like we’re home but otherwise most are off. And I leave the light on for the parakeets cause the room they are in gets dark pretty early and they don’t go to bed till later but still. Usually I try to turn lights off unless I’m going right back in the room. But sometimes I get scared when I’m alone and leave some on 😂🤣🙈 but not lately since I have my flashlight.
Same age as you. The girlfriend is an adult. The guy... not so much.
Makes sense! The funny or weird or whatever thing is even though I’m bad about some stuff, I’m really good about other stuff like closing stuff up and lights and everything and oddly when I’m home alone I’m even better and do way more and run around doing stuff the entire time 😂🤣
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