Kiki's White Trash and or Nerdy Birthday Bash Funeral

It's not as awful as it sounds. The first thing to do is go through all of your spices and toss any seasoned salts ... like garlic salt, onion salt, mixes that have salt listed as a main ingredient. Most, if not ALL of them have salt in them ... especially taco seasonings. Then replace them all with single-spice containers. Garlic POWDER, Onion POWDER, & such. Lemon pepper is a good go-to for removing salt but keeping spices, just read the label to make sure it's JUST lemon and pepper.

I had to go almost completely salt-free when my Dad got sick, years ago. I never cook with it and only rarely add it at the table, now. My biggest change was cutting down on soy sauce. I LOVE soy sauce! I went with the lower sodium option and TRY to cut down on volume ... but I have to admit to cheating a bit ... okay a LOT, but still, I'm doing better.

If I can't get the flavor I want with plain spices, I add lemon or lime juice - they are both flavor enhancers, just like salt. You can also cook with flavored oils. Making your own hot pepper or orange oils is easy - and olive oil is a good flavor enhancer, too.

There are also lots of DIY mixes online. I've found some great taco seasonings and soup starter mixes there. You'll be surprised what you can find ... and how much better things taste once you get the hang of it. I can't even put salt on my corn-on-the-cob, now. A truly good sweet corn needs no seasoning ... except maybe a touch of butter ... unsalted, of course!
Muddy last year I ditched all the salt stuff.
Mex still can't complains but tough..I refuse to buy it.
My three barred cochin bantams will come over if I make the "treat call" and shake the meal worm bag. Greedy piggies But from there I have to rely on the cockerel to get the rest to come over. Even then, getting them to take those last couple steps into the run can be like....herding chickens 🤣
On the plus side, little Hansel has been practicing his treat call since he was 6 weeks old so it is pretty effective these days :D

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