Chicky Crazy

6 Years
Feb 27, 2013
I was letting my chickens free range with a fake owl watching over them, and found my rooster and hen dead. (never heard or saw anything, I feel bad that I didn't) We now it was a dog, it had saliva on the feathers, and two days later mom saw the dog, and the girls were scared to death! I miss them so much!!! My rooster died fighting to protect his girls. This dog runs around the neighborhood, and I have to coop my hens (It really stresses them to be cooped) so they are safe. I really want to let them out or a least to scare the dog away forever. I know he's still coming cause their are fresh dog prints on the porch screen. It scares them bad. He's very sneaky so I never see him. I need to set something up where it can scare him away when I'm not there. Anyone know a cheap solution so they can run around the yard safely without me watching them? THANKS!!! :(:hit
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What is a run? If you are talking about a type of coop on the ground, no we don't have that. My coop is lifted off the ground for protection from floods. And we don't have any fencing.
Sit in a somewhat hidden area with a .22 and wait. Bullets are cheap, cheaper than the damage this rouge dog is doing to your flock. He knows what you have is good and will be back. You have to out wait him. If this is not an option perhaps a paintball gun or airsift gun with an automatic fire setting. If you have a window facing the way he.comes from wait in your house and unload on that s.o.b. getting pelted with stinging paintballs or bbs out of nowhere.might traumatize it so bad it won't be back. Worked on my neighbors dog that is allowed to roam whereever it wants when it wants. I don't see that dog or his massive craps in my front yard any more.
Sorry I don't have guns. And I NEVER see him he is so sneeky. Thank you though. Does anyone have any ideas. I NEED HELP... :(
Sit in a somewhat hidden area with a .22 and wait. Bullets are cheap, cheaper than the damage this rouge dog is doing to your flock. He knows what you have is good and will be back. You have to out wait him. If this is not an option perhaps a paintball gun or airsift gun with an automatic fire setting. If you have a window facing the way he.comes from wait in your house and unload on that s.o.b. getting pelted with stinging paintballs or bbs out of nowhere.might traumatize it so bad it won't be back. Worked on my neighbors dog that is allowed to roam whereever it wants when it wants. I don't see that dog or his massive craps in my front yard any more.
My husband also found that those "orbeez" guns (the ones that shoot those little round water soaked jelly thingies) work really well too - you get them in the toy section - nerf guns work well too.

We have had major issues with 4 small dogs that are allowed to roam where ever they want ALL THE TIME and that helped the problem a lot.

As a dog owner myself, it REALLY upsets me when people allow their dogs to roam.

@chick crazy - do you have any neighbors in the area that might know who the dog belongs too? If you can track down the owner I would talk with them, especially if this hasn't happened before. ALso, try to get some sort of picture of the dog - that will help animal control and also prove to the owner it was their dog in the yard. Some owners don't handle it well when you try to say their dog got into your yard.
My husband also found that those "orbeez" guns (the ones that shoot those little round water soaked jelly thingies) work really well too - you get them in the toy section - nerf guns work well too.

We have had major issues with 4 small dogs that are allowed to roam where ever they want ALL THE TIME and that helped the problem a lot.

As a dog owner myself, it REALLY upsets me when people allow their dogs to roam.

@chick crazy - do you have any neighbors in the area that might know who the dog belongs too? If you can track down the owner I would talk with them, especially if this hasn't happened before. ALso, try to get some sort of picture of the dog - that will help animal control and also prove to the owner it was their dog in the yard. Some owners don't handle it well when you try to say their dog got into your yard.

OOooooo!good idea! i'd only thought of a paintball gun for the cheweenie in my neighborhood,i would love to see the look on their face if their dog came home with a huge pink splot!
OOooooo!good idea! i'd only thought of a paintball gun for the cheweenie in my neighborhood,i would love to see the look on their face if their dog came home with a huge pink splot!

Yea, that work really well especially on the little dogs, it does not hurt them at all but scares the wits out of them - two of the dogs we are having issue with were the little cheweenies. What bothered me most was the poop in my yard, I don't mind cleaning by OWN dogs poop....but I didn't sign up to clean up OTHER peoples dog poop. Also, for whatever reason, most people will get annoyed at small dogs roaming but not do anything or brush it you ANY amount of money if I let my large breed dog (bull mastiff/lab mix) roam the neighborhood people would FREAK.

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