Kind of mad about DH's video game... and new WIFE!

Ok let me get this straight. Some people feel threatened by fable 2?
You should feel thankful he is picking up wives on that game. A guy could just as easily pick up husbands on the same game.
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I checked. You can. It's called a co-op mode. It's not a true multi-player game like Evercrack or World of Warcraft, but it is doable.

According to wikipedia (I like to research *everything*) he can also get a divorce in game. Just so you know.

LOL omg, this thread is hilarious! I've never played Fable II, but I've played other games like the Harvest Moon games and those games require you to get married, or else the game ends; and that's no fun! If he could choose his wife, he should've chosen one that resembled your qualities the most.

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