Kind of mad about DH's video game... and new WIFE!


Hey...does the new wife do laundry and dishes? If so...let him keep her! Let her get busy!

I have been asking DH for a wife for a couple of years and those are the requirements...she must

1. Know I am in charge and what I say goes
2. Love to do laundry
3. Love to do dishes
4. Doing floors will earn brownie points

dont for get look like the hunch back of Notre Dame
Good--maybe you can help me with some tips for my daughter, because she gets frustrated and asks ME how to do things, and I don't know! Like, I read online that to shoot down the floating balloons that have gifts tied to them requires a slingshot, and that you can buy a slingshot at Nook's, but our Nook's has no slingshots!
Good--maybe you can help me with some tips for my daughter, because she gets frustrated and asks ME how to do things, and I don't know! Like, I read online that to shoot down the floating balloons that have gifts tied to them requires a slingshot, and that you can buy a slingshot at Nook's, but our Nook's has no slingshots!

He should change his 'tools' inventory in his shop daily so keep checking!

Also I don't know if it is the same in 'City Folk' but if you shoot down one balloon per day for a week then you get the Golden Slingshot there are tons of little goals and hidden things you can win in the game. I have been playing 'Wild World' for almost 3 years and I am still finding new goals to achieve like the complete Snowman Room set you get by building perfect snowmen.
I was actually thinking of starting a new thread for this topic, so watch for it--we've only been able to build one snowman, and apparently not a very good one, because he complains about his appearance!
My brother is in very sad shape right now, from one of those games. Last year he had a job, excellent credit, a normal life, (well, sorta, but normal for him) and he has gotten completely sucked in with some pirate game with mulitple players. He is jobless right now, has not had propane and is using a camp stove to cook in the house, lost his job, is about to file for bankruptcy, had NO Christmas ANYTHING up at his house on Christmas Eve when I went over to take gifts for his kids, and while I was trying to tell him steps to help fix his situation, he continued to play the game, clicking, paddling, bailing water, blowing up shapes with puffer fish... I am very concerned and talked to my other sister about the long term consequences of "making a call" and decided we will go out this week and help him get some of his problems under control. One of the players behind the characters lives in Canada and her biological clock is ticking, and she has told him she would like him to be the biological donor for her baby. He think's that's "cool" but if she could see him by looking through the computer monitor, she would turn and run like her hair was on fire. He is popular, funny and competent in his game life, but the complete opposite, a gutterball of a human being in real life, due to poor choices and gaming addiction. I don't know what to do about it. Be careful with those games.
GEEZE OTS! How sad that there are children involved.
Please let us know how it goes. Sounds like his internet connection is the only thing he cares about keeping up. How sad for his family (and that includes you).

My DH is not allowed to check out of his real life if he wants to be married. We set those boundaries a long time ago...
My DW (mychickensrock) has 12 chickens, 6 ducks, 4 cows, 2 sheep and another sheep on the way!!!!!
On Harvest Moon DS that is. Bought her a DS for Christmas so I could play mine once in a while!!!
Don't worry Beardedchick if it is an X-box it should get the red ring of death any day now and then you get to deal with his gamer withdrawal!!!!!

Been there, fixed that!

I don't want to take the x-box away, just the other wife. I found out she got flowers and chocolate the other day so she would be happy.

How do I rate??? All I got was one flower, no chocolate.


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