Kinda out of my league on an unexpected WILD turkey! Need help in NC


11 Years
Jan 8, 2009
native texan/ inNorth carolina
I was outside yesterday when i noticed a large WILD turkey hen chasing something around the pasture. After a few minutes, she ran off but kept looking back so needless to say, curiosity got the best of me. I walked out there and heard peeping. After following the sound for a few minutes, i found what couldn't be more than a week old turkey chick. So i brought it back and put it in my pen with some 2-3 week old juvinile chickens and he cuddled right up with them for the night but now im raising something i have no idea about. Any advice on this and has any body else ran into an issue like this that can give some insight.

is it a wild poult? the hen was probably watching out for it and protecting her nest area. they nest on the ground and only cover with leaves.

unless you have a permit for a wild turkey, you may want to put it back.
if you intend to keep it, it needs a high protein starter and grower. the max that you can find. (game bird starter is great.) 28% if possible.

best wishes and hope it all works out.
Miss jayne-

This chick is no bigger than a 2 week olkd silkie chick. I don't know why she was bothering with it, unless it wasn't hers and chance just happen to lead the chick to this particular hen but she was not having this chick around. As far as a nest, i walked in a round area of about 50 yards and no nest. I don't know whats up with this chick and why it was being run away but i couldn't leave it out there. Thanks for the input.
maybe it isn't "just right" or from another turkey nest nearby. turkeys are pretty territorial for sure.

maybe just keep it warm and fed?

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