King quail not growing

That is a button quail not a coturnix. They are the worlds smallest kind of quail so he will stay that size. If you could, seperate him from the Coturnix so he doesn't get hurt, and get him a mate of his own.
Thank you. Looks like I’ve deprived this little male of a mate and should not have housed him with Coturnix but I’ve been lucky there have been no fight’s whatsoever
No. The coturnix are likely to injure or kill him. It could be for territorial reasons or just by accident due to their size difference. I've raised both and always kept the buttons separate except in rare cases where the chicks might stay together for their first week.
Thank you. I guess I’ve been lucky and they have all lived together harmoniously. Just disappointed I didn’t get that I asked for and the quail is also male

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