Kittens with upset tummy.


9 Years
Jun 27, 2012
Granbury, Tx
I recently got two kittens, from a source I will not name since their feelings would be hurt...

First off, they had serious fleas, ear mites, and worms.
I have managed to get the fleas under control and got rid of the ear mites and worms. Thankfully. But one of them is still have runny poo. And it is technicolor! When I first got her it was brilliant red (not blood red, more like crayon red). Now it is more of an orange color. At least the orange is kind of brownish.

I took them off the friskies food as soon as i got them because it is mostly corn. They are now eating a food the mostly chicken, followed by brown rice and then corn. They have lots of fresh water and until we get the runny poo under control they will have to stay in the box. (giant box that once held all the parts to our couch, but not on my carpet)

Any suggestions? I would love to be able to let them out of the box but the baby with the runny poo has to stay near the litter box or we have accidents. (running cat ***** from wherever she was to the litter box....)

Thanks for any suggestions.
I'm not too sure on their age. I am planning on running another does of dewormer in eight mroe days. But the good news is that she seems to be pooping a little more firm and a little less technicolor. I think perhaps it was the food dye in the cheap food she was on. If she is still pooping runny after the second deworm (well 48 hours after that) then it will be a trip to the vet. She is eating great and drinking lots of water. She is playing very rambunctiously and is almost twice the size of the other kitten.

I was just wondering do you think there could be something other than worms that can cause technicolor runny poo.

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