Kitty and Dog Thread, Show Me What You Got, other critters welcome too


These are my boys, Barney and Pokey. Barney the orange one is 12 and Pokey is 16 or 17- we got him when he was 4 or 5 so not sure of his age. Both rescues and dearly loved. Pokey acts more like a dog than a cat.
Did someone say Kitties?! I have 3.
This is Fat Gary, he's 15 now. I got him at a shelter. He was 8 yrs old and had no fur from having allergies, he was fat and ugly. I knew I could fix him up. My fiancé chose another cat, so we rock, paper, scissors for who's choice we'd go with and I won! He's the sweetest, most laid back guy.View attachment 1590967

Then I have my 2 sphynx cats, Jinx and Archie. They are brother and sister and are 6 yrs old now. I drove to NYC to get them. I got them at a discount because they both had hernias. The hernias healed without needing medical treatment. They are like living with part monkey part dog, instead of a cat. They love to snuggle, especially under the covers. They are a lot of work, but are so worth it. Unlike any cat Ive ever known. Unfortunately, Archie has a heart disease called HCM. Every day he lives, I cherish! Archie is the red tabby and Jinx is the blue and white.
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Look at those crazy wrinkles. :lau Ugly kitties need love too. I'm glad you took Fat Gary. :)
Kitty number one: Chalmers. Got him from the pound about four years ago. He's about ten now and real lover of routine and order. Has to sit on the same lap at the same time every day or he just kinda panics. He also has a jealous side. Always worried that the other kitty is getting "more".
He's never once scratched us. Not even on accident or when treating a wound.
VERY talkative. You can have a full blown conversation with this one.
He loves to eat bunnies. He can't catch birds.
Extremely gentle and sweet unless he has to poop... then, he goes rampaging around the house knocking things off counters until he's kicked out. View attachment 1590994 View attachment 1590995 View attachment 1590996 View attachment 1590997 View attachment 1590998
He's got attitude. I also love talking from a kitty. What a nice boy.
Funny cat story:
Back in June or July, one of the "barn cats" from my sisters place disappeared. " " because this one didn't care for barn life and particularly liked when my son and I would visit as we were always accommodated her need for constant attention (and she even got to come in n the house).
Anyway, Cammi disappeared....
A week ago, i got this text:
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They heard a meow at the front window, looked out and the sat Cammi. They opened the front door and she walked in le it was no big deal. On seeing the picture my sister sent me, I commented she looked quite fat & sassy and said she must have spent the summer with someone.....
Three days after her return, this was posted on the local fb page where they live:
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She spent the whole time as a house pet, being loved on by three little sister messaged them, explained what had happened and then asked if they'd like to come get her....they did...happy ending
That's so nice. I always wonder where my last kitty got off to. I always hope he's living the good life somewhere. I miss Mr Kitty.
I currently have one cat named Marshmallow that we got as a kitten from a shelter 12 years ago. His mom had been taken in by the shelter and ended up having kittens. He was the runt of the liter, with an ear infection and a deformed tail (he was born with it, it's hard to see in the photos, but it curls in a knot at the end). We decided to get him and it was one of the best decisions we've made. He is so friendly, loves to cuddle and play. He's quite the hunter, unfortunately for the birds and lizards around our house. He even brought in an elf owl once. Luckily, it wasn't injured and we got it out of our house with no problems.


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