Knit, crochet, or sew?

Hi yes I do all 3 and love them! I sewed with mum as a teen and also learnt to knit then. For many years I wasn't crafty at all then when I was at uni 10 years ago (so almost 20 years later!) I started sewing again and fell in love with it! I used my birthday money for a lovely Viking machine (not a fancy electronic one - just a good basic machine to get going on) and have not looked back. I've not done as much as I'd like in recent years with a very difficult baby / toddler, a massive barn renovation and setting up big veggie gardens and now chickens! My SIL started me off crocheting by giving me a hook, some yarn and showing me the basics - I taught myself the rest from youtube and books - again when I was at uni. A year of 2 later I was frustrated seeing knitting patterns I loved more than the crochet versions so I learnt to continental knit (again books and youtube!). My big aim is to get crafting again soon!
I love to create- knitting is the hobby that uses up all of my free time that isn't spent gardening and tending to the animals (and family). I found this group through somebody who loved one of my chicken-themed knitting patterns:

I sew some, spin yarn, weave a bit...lots of fiber arts happening around here!
I crochet...well I haven't in a long time, but I have. Ive got 8 skeins of yarn waiting to be turned into comfy wrap things. Super simple even a 5yo could do it. It's just a giant rectangle all done in single crochet...or it might be double, lol, I can't remember. Once you're done you fold the top third down and then basically sew part of that on either side so you create armholes.

I've also made some fingerless Iron Man gloves for a friend. That's about it, lol. But I'd love to get back into it. It's like all those coloring books for adults. The repetitive motions allow me to zone out so it's like meditation.

I'd love to learn to knit, though. I like how much more professional knitting looks than crocheting.

And I agree that creating something feels great! I mostly play around with polymer clay and am currently working on setting up my own etsy shop for it.
I knit, crochet, and sew too! And I also have a difficult baby/toddler who doesn't let me do anything by myself, so I haven't been able to make anything beyond a dish cloth in a while. I learned to sew as a child (and was the only kid who already knew how in my life skills class in 7th grade). I learned to crochet as a girl scout, and how to knit when I was in college from the girl who would become my best friend. My sister says that my skills would earn my keep after a zombie apocalypse!
My sister says that my skills would earn my keep after a zombie apocalypse!

Haha! You know, I often wonder about things similar to that. Like let's say an EMP goes off and the entire US is now thrown back to doing everything without electricity. A lot of jobs would be pointless and you would probably have to learn a trade or craft to live.

Or what if time travel were real and something happened to throw you back in time hundreds of years ago. How would you survive? For myself I don't really have much to offer, lol. I know one sewing stitch and I can do single or double crochet but I haven't learned anything else because I haven't needed to for the stuff I've made.

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