Knit, crochet, or sew?

I'm entering some of my items in the state fair. I'm hoping to win.
Oh good luck with that!
Right now I’m working on a blanket over the course of the year
I've been working on a rainbow ripple blanket I think I started it end of 2013 :lau:lau it will have to wait until winter now though as it is heavy wool and quite uncomfortable in the heat! I'm also currently working on a floral afgan square blanket (think big 3d flowers mixed with some simpler squares as well) in bright spring / summer coloured cotton. Can't wait to see how it turns out!
I sew some, spin yarn, weave a bit...lots of fiber arts happening around here!
Oh my your socks are amazing! My knitting is no where near up to those levels - maybe one day when i have time! I started spinning as well, even joined a group when I was back in Oz but again since todzilla arrived my wheel is sat on a shelf!
And I also have a difficult baby/toddler who doesn't let me do anything by myself, so I haven't been able to make anything beyond a dish cloth in a while
I crochet but haven't been able to do much with 5 kids ranging from 16 to 10 months I need to get back into crocheting
Glad it isn't just me! It is funny it is so relaxing but by the time I collapse on the sofa it is often after 9 and I just dont' have the mental energy to do anything! I'm making a concerted effort to find 1/2 hour in the day for me to just stop and try to do some crochet so I have finally :ya:yapicked up the hook and carried on with one of my squares the last couple of days
Oh good luck with that!

I've been working on a rainbow ripple blanket I think I started it end of 2013 :lau:lau it will have to wait until winter now though as it is heavy wool and quite uncomfortable in the heat! I'm also currently working on a floral afgan square blanket (think big 3d flowers mixed with some simpler squares as well) in bright spring / summer coloured cotton. Can't wait to see how it turns out!

I bought a year long yarn subscription from Jimmy Beans of Madelinetosh Farm Twist, so I get one hank a month of a surprise color.

This is how it look Jan-May (I’m awaiting an additional hank of May so I can do the mosaic transition into June).
I bought the subscription as a sort of reward for closing my father’s estate. I was executor, and it was a nightmare to do because he died intestate and was enrolled Amerindian.
I knit and do Tunisian crochet (both self taught). I only know the simple stitch for Tunisian though. I'm wanting to learn crochet but I've already got several other projects already going. Lol I think that all knitters are like that.

Right now, with the sun being up so long, crafts are kind of on the side burner, as there's too much to get done before winter. I've already got requests for what people want for Christmas, so I guess I better get busy!
I’m just teaching myself how to crochet and saw this stitch in a book. I worked a sample swatch and wondered how you would use this as I can only fit about 15 stitches on my hook. I’m assuming there is a way to go back and expand on the original work?

My first projects were a couple of mermaid tails for my grandchildren.
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I’m just teaching myself how to crochet and saw this stitch in a book. I worked a sample swatch and wondered how you would use this as I can only fit about 15 stitches on my hook. I’m assuming there is a way to go back and expand on the original work?

My first projects were a couple of mermaid tails for my grandchildren.
There'sa different style needle that is used for Tunisian. th.jpg th.jpg
I use the one with the flexible extension for afghans.

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