Knocked my rooster out cold :( is he ok?

I never let a rooster chase me at the beginning. First you may think it is a game, but they get bolder and bolder. If roosters come near I pick them up. Most that come near like being picked up. Never turn your back unless he knows you are the boss.
Interesting, I’ll try and scoop him up next time he charges me.
You can take advantage of this situation and retain the upper hand with your rooster. It's true he's a bit afraid of you at the moment. But he will test you soon. You need to be ready for that. He will still be wary, and it will likely be a sneak attack.

As others have mentioned, be aware of his location at all times. Don't turn your back on him or let your guard down. But when he does sidle up to you to test how much he can get away with, be ready to snatch him up and hold him in a football hold. Walk around with him under your arm, especially parade the captive in front of the hens. This will humiliate him which he needs.

Keep holding him for a while, especially if he's struggling to get away. Only turn him loose after he calms down and submits.

Do that every time he decides to make a run at you. Be ready for him. He will learn quickly that you won't stand for foolish behavior from him. Be consistent.

As long as he's behaving, ignore him. Some people say not to let him mate in front of you. This is stupid advice. Ignore it. You must show him you trust and respect him to carry out his rooster duties, and mating is one of the major ones. Respect flows both ways. If he realizes you trust him to do his job, he will eventually trust you to do yours.

I wrote an article about training cockerels, but there are many other good ones here. Do some reading. If nothing else, it will help you understand what makes these roosters tick.

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