Know the breed, is this a cockeral? May be a very silly question. :/


Always Grateful
Premium Feather Member
14 Years
Apr 11, 2010
I hatched this one out of a very nice heritage RIW breeder's flock. Thought I was keeping a girl. Looks like maybe not. ?? Hatched on May 12th this year. A few photos at different angles for the comb and wattles..that's what's throwing me, not much there as a comb or wattle. The tail looks to be getting those Sickle feathers.

Check out those long thick legs..
Could you post a close-up photo of the back and tail? The legs, stance, and tail shape make me think cockerel, but I can't see the ends of the feathers well enough to tell if they're pointed. Also, I would think that "it" would be crowing by now if it were a cockerel.
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Could you post a close-up photo of the back and tail? The legs, stance, and tail shape make me think cockerel, but I can't see the ends of the feathers well enough to tell if they're pointed. Also, I would think that "it" would be crowing by now if it were a cockerel.
LOL..I just tried..but no way could I get close enough.
Yeah, I know how difficult it is to take photos of chickens..they're always moving. Perhaps have someone else hold him while you take a few quick photos?
I did get hold of her today. Didn't have the camera. I am not seeing the pointy feathers. Thinking that it's pullet now. Looked at her face real close up, the neck feathers. No saddle feathers started. No crowing..but man, those legs are something else! I did read on a real old thread for RIW's that this person's whites were very large. We'll see soon I guess.
Thank you for responding! If I get hold of her again, I will try for a picture.

Hey, have to ask..your Avatar ... are those Seramas...or bantam Leghorns..don't mean to offend if I got the breed wrong twice!
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I did get hold of her today. Didn't have the camera. I am not seeing the pointy feathers. Thinking that it's pullet now. Looked at her face real close up, the neck feathers. No saddle feathers started. No crowing..but man, those legs are something else! I did read on a real old thread for RIW's that this person's whites were very large. We'll see soon I guess.
Thank you for responding! If I get hold of her again, I will try for a picture.

Hey, have to ask..your Avatar ... are those Seramas...or bantam Leghorns..don't mean to offend if I got the breed wrong twice!
Actually neither, though those are good guesses.
They're Light-Brown Dutch Bantams, which is a somewhat rare bantam breed (at least in the United States--they're plenty common in Europe). While they look similar to bantam Light-Brown Leghorns, there are differences between them: Dutch bantams should have slate legs and beaks, somewhat short backs, and are about 20oz. in size. On the other hand, Leghorns should have yellow legs and beaks, are long-bodied, and weight several ounces more. They're quite enjoyable, beautiful little birds, though some cocks can be mean. The hens lay small white eggs, and go broody often during the spring/summer.
Cynthia12 maybe we could work out a deal. U could have that rabbit cage that you saw at my house
Ooo, tempting..I think I will take that deal. Will make a great broody breaker, with the legs on it like that. Hope it's a girl.. What if it's a boy? Someone that came over today that has chickens, looked at it, and says, looks like a girl to me. hmmmm... :)) She's pretty healthy looking right? I have no illness in my flock..knock on wood. All are healthy, and are not carriers of any upper respiratory problems.
You should come by and take a look at my girls. When it isn't raining. Remember, just from the fence though. :))

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