Ko Shamo Thread!

This sounds like what I was going to do with some of my KO's. I was going to cross them with a bantam Wyandotte or Rock to produce a bantam "broiler" that I would caponize. Seems like it would be a nice, plump and meaty bird for two. I'll get some pics up of my KO's one of these days. Working on black mottled ones.
Here is my little Mama Ko chick. She is one of my Ko cross chicks. She hatched back in December. She was the only egg to hatch out of 4 of the last ones I set in the incubator back them. She grew up by herself with no other chicks and I always felt sorry for her. Last month I hatched 4 more Ko x chicks chicks and put them in her box to see what she would do. She was weary of them at first but them she started taking care of them. Next thing I hear her calling them to water and food just like a mother hen. Now she is clucking like a mother hen. She is even covering them up at night. She will even attack you and protect the chicks if you try to pick them up. I have never seen this in a young chick before. She is only 3 months old and acts like a mother hen. Looks like she will be a good mother when she does have chicks of her own.
Where are you guys and gals purchasing your ko's from. New to this site and trying to get started in this interesting breed. Raised orientals for years but downsizing to bantam fowl and like the look of the ko's
Where are you guys and gals purchasing your ko's from. New to this site and trying to get started in this interesting breed. Raised orientals for years but downsizing to bantam fowl and like the look of the ko's

I got mine from Oakridge Gamefarm Auction site. I have purchased most of my oriental bantams from there.
Did you get yours from Kozo on the auction? If so do you have his contact info? I used that auction in the past but now it requires me to re-register and pay $20. I don't want to pay $20 just to contact him to see if he is going to list more ko later
Did you get yours from Kozo on the auction? If so do you have his contact info? I used that auction in the past but now it requires me to re-register and pay $20. I don't want to pay $20 just to contact him to see if he is going to list more ko later

I got my Kos from Chris Peters and Joel Brandon. I had to look around but I found Chris's email address, it is [email protected] I tried looking on the sight but they have already taking the listings off where I bought my birds. I hope this helps. I did get my Ko"s off that site.

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