Kodiakchickens scalped chick - Final post page 6

Thanks, everyone. So far she's hanging in there - and a lot better than I would be if I were in the same condition! She is one tough little chick.

And I have to tell you all, I am so blessed with such an understanding husband. He's been right there, helping me give her food and drink and treat her wound, even though he always refers to the chickens as my project. What really got me though was today, when we were snuggling her back into her crate after treating her, he said "well, I guess God is telling us which one of these chicks we need to keep with us". I had not said a word to him (even though I had thought it) that if she made it there was no way I could let her go after spending this much time on her - he just knew. I'm so blessed. Between my family and the support of everyone on this board it makes all these things easily bearable.

BeckyLa - I will get some aspirin in her. I've been waiting to make sure all the bleeding has stopped so that if it thins her blood we won't have a problem.
He's a keeper.

Good luck with your baby... get some sleep tonight.
Good vibes sent your way for your chickie... I had an RIR get caught between the garage wall and the coop wall, and the others all had "pecking access" to her head. When I found her, the top of her head was totally void of skin, and I was certain she'd die. I brought her in and basically did the same things you've done w/ the exception of the aspirin which I didn't know about but wish I did (I hate the thought that I could have eased some of her pain but didn't know how). She has healed wonderfully and has only a thin line scar on the back of her head. She regrew feathers and is lively, spry, and right up there with the rest of them in the day to day business of chickendom!
She stayed in the house with us about 2 wks, and she really would have rather preferred to stay in here with us, I do believe...
I have let her in for short visits a few times like that, and after raiding the cat food bowl, her next stop is onto the sofa in the living room! I guess she wants to watch some more Animal Planet!
Hope your chicken makes a full and healthy recovery.
Another update on my scalped chick.

She ate quite a bit of yogurt last night and drank both pedialite and plain water. I held her in my arms for about a half hour, letting her soak up the body heat and just talking to her and soothing her. She seemed to enjoy it.

She chirped at us several times throughout the night from her little crate on the dresser. Hunny, our big golden retreiver, was back on chick duty, waking us up everytime the chick moved or peeped.

When I got up at 6:30am the little one was standing and moving around her crate and cheeping. She's still a little wobbly, but definitely stronger. She ate and drank quite well and the best thing was that there were 3 piles of poo on her towel when I got up. Poo is good! It's mostly white right now, as she's only been drinking and eating yogurt.

Talked to DH a bit ago and he had recoated her heat with neosporin and moved her into a bigger crate as she seems to want to walk around. He also fed and watered her again and said she did well. He placed little containers of food and water in her area to see if she'd eat on her own.

The only concern now is her eyes. They are still swollen and she won't open them. We wiped them with water last night and she opened the left, but not the right. I think she's seeing light though, because when I lifted the towel off her crate she turned toward me and the light. That's a good thing. We'll wipe them down again tonight and maybe clean up more of her feathers.

What about using mineral oil around her eyes to keep it moisturized? Would that help or hurt?

Also, the skin is rolled a bit at the back of her neck, but I don't think it will pull all the way up to stitch it. Will it heal if I just leave it or will it cause a problem? I've tried pulling it up and it doesn't budge much. It is right near some exposed muscles and nerves and I don't want to damage those, as they seem to be working properly.

Thanks again, everyone. You've all been so great!
I am so glad she is doing so well! You and your dh are doing a wonderful job. I'm sure her swelling will go down in a day or two.

And some mashed up hard boiled egg yolk is also a wonderful source of nutrition for you girl. It mixes well with the yogurt.
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Oh goodness... those pics look just like my scalped Bobwhites...
I think they're right, that the swelling will go down and she'll open her eyes any day now. Just keep doing what you're doing...
Thanks again and again and again, everyone! It means so much that everyone is so supportive.

Went home at lunch at gave the chick some water and yogurt. DH put crumbles in for her but I don't think she can see them. I tried crumbles in the yogurt and she just doesn't seem to know how to peck at them with her eyes closed. I will probably crunch them to dust and mix them with yogurt tonight and then maybe do some of the hard boiled egg yolk too. She is drinking well though, which is really important.

She's definitely getting stronger, because she stood up and lifted her head and stretched her neck out when I walked up to the crate. I washed her eyes down with water again, but she really doesn't like it and keeps fighting me. Will keep doing it a little at a time.
Just keep wiping her eyes to keep them from getting infected. Wipe each one with a soft cloth or cotton ball softly until you can see it is clean of any crust or infection. I use "Clear Eyes" from the eye section at wal-mart pharmacy on my fowl. Mix a little milk with bread, then pour some chick starter or hen scratch on it. Hold her mouth open and put small bites of bread coated feed in her mouth to eat. Hold her in the cradle of your left arm and hold her mouth open with your left hand. Feed her with your right hand. Keep cleaning her eyes and she will be up and going in no time. Your husband is doing right by keeping an antibiotic on the raw areas of her head. If it looks like any infection is taking hold, use a cotton ball and lightly wash the area with Hyrogen Peroxide, pat it dry then put more antibiotic on the head.

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