Koontz's Frankenstein?


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Has anyone else read the series?

I've finished Book Two and I'm resisting the urge to read the sample of Book Three waiting for me on my kindle. I just know if I sample it, I'm gonna want to buy it. And then, Book Four.

I'm bankrupting my bank account thanks to this kindle. It's just too easy to order books.
too bad you don't have a nook - I can share my books for 2 weeks with other nook owners...

I haven't read that series yet - I'm trying to get through "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"

Have not read those Koontz books yet.

I cannot keep up with all the free kindle books I download......................cannot remember when I bought one (course I am the cheapest person you will ever, ever come across
I got the first three books of the series from paperbackswap.com last week. Didn't cost me a cent except postage to send a few other books out. I read the first one when it first came out but never got the rest of the series so I'm going to re-read the first one and then read the other ones. Love me some Koontz.
I'm hoping to get a Nook when we get our tax return. It would be SO awesome to have all those books, but not have to build more shelves. And I LOVE the loan feature. It never takes me two weeks to read a book so that could be really handy.

I've read a lot of Koontz but haven't yet gotten any of the Franks.
I read the first 2 twice before the third book was released, it was not as good as the first two but was fast moving and enjoyable. I just purchased the 4th book. i found the first 2 unable to put down, hope the fourth is that way
I have a nook!. If you want any books just let me know...

Grits.. i'll have to check out that series!..

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