Labored, open-mouthed breathing.

Painted Calls

Still the Mayor
Premium Feather Member
Aug 26, 2019
Just noticed that one of my 8/9 month old pullets is breathing very heavy. At first I thought she was panting. After watching her, it's evident she's not.

Gave her an exam. Eyes, nares, mouth/throat are clear. No wheezing or discharge. Checked abdomen and pelvic area. Didn't feel anything abnormal. She's not yet laying. She's a bit lethargic but still alert and able to get around. She came when called. Just very slowly.

I did notice that she had a VERY messy bottom. Just normal stool, maybe a bit loose. No unusual smell. I washed her bottom off.

Yesterday she acted completely normal. I did de-worm them with the proper dosage of Safeguard about 8 days ago after noticing a large roundworm in a dropping in her group's pen.

No new birds, no new anything. Everyone else is fine. I feed Flock Raiser free choice, oyster shell free choice and grit free choice. They always have fresh water available as well.

Any ideas what's going on? I put Nutri-drench in the water and direct dosed her as well. She didn't get quite the amount she needed (put up a struggle), but fairly close.
That was my initial thought, but it's not too hot (63 F) today and there's a decent breeze. She's also frizzled, which gives her that extra body ventilation.
Her bottom is messy again already. Snapped a quick pic. Was on the phone while trying to get a picture, so not the greatest. Can get better ones if needed.
It does look really yellow in the photo though. I'll go out one more time and check her bottom. I'll take an updated pic. Too late now to wash her. I'll wash her again tomorrow.
In person it is light green. Does not look like yolk at all. The photos certainly do make it look yellow!

She's still the same. Here is a pic I took just now.

@Wyorp Rock your thoughts? Looks like vent gleet but 99% sure it's not. No weird smell.
In person it is light green. Does not look like yolk at all. The photos certainly do make it look yellow!

She's still the same. Here is a pic I took just now.
View attachment 2127811

@Wyorp Rock your thoughts? Looks like vent gleet but 99% sure it's not. No weird smell.
That’s what I was worried about. I don’t know much about sicknesses so I won’t be much help from here on. Hope she gets well.

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