Ladies - could you? would you?


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Hypothetical question here.
Let's say you hadn't seen a good piece of chocolate in a solid month. Despite that fact you've managed to spend a week in the house with a sick hubby, a pup, a dog, and two cats without one cross word.
Now let's suppose your DH shows you that he just found an open bag of Shrek chocolate dragon eggs leftover from the GS's easter basket.

Could you? Would you?

BTW, they were nowhere near as good as a dove bar and DH is still laughing his butt off because I mistook the shiny foil wrapping for a candy coating.
What, eat the whole bag??? You bet!!!

BTW, they were nowhere near as good as a dove bar and DH is still laughing his butt off because I mistook the shiny foil wrapping for a candy coating.

I'd laugh too
My mom still hasn't lived down the time that she microwaved an Arbys sandwich in the foil wrapper....hey look mom! your burger's on fire!!
It would be morally wrong not to eat it.

If I could reach across the internet right now, grab it from you and eat it myself, I would.

But then, you're asking this question at "the wrong time", if you follow. I would kill for chocolate right now.

Redhen: Where did you get that smiley?!?
Fair game in my house. If my daughter left her holiday stash around more than a week It was obvious to me that she didn't want it anymore

p.s. She hides it now.
Fair game! You snooze you lose........unless its PMS chocolate, then hands OFF!

Once DH ate my PMS chocolate that I had set aside early. Upon realizing my chocolate was missing in my time of need I made a phone call to DH. He learned the error of his ways and come home from work with a bag filled with a wide variety of chocolates. He has not repeated his mistake once since this clear lapse in judgement.

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