Ladies, Do you know how to change a tire on your vehicle?

Ladies, do you know how to change a tire on your vehicle?

  • Yes, I do and I will

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, but prefer not to

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • No, but I'd be willing to learn

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I can and I have many times but if my older son is around and can do it, I will ask him. I have a mini van, its hard to jack up but I did buy a floor jack. And just for the record, I have changed my girl friends tire. How she grew up with 3 brothers, one who owns a garage, and never learned how is amazing to me. My dad wouldnt let me get my license till I knew how to change a tire and do the fluids. And every time he worked on the car I had to help.
Yep, I know how to change a tire. I also fixed a fan belt by myself. That was a really long crazy day.
I laugh about it now, but THAT day I wasn't...

Hmm, I answered no....but....I know how to go about it, just have never had to actually change one. I should know how to do that plus a ton more, being married to a mechanic for 20 yrs. So much goes in one ear and out the other as soon as my brain realizes its car talk lol.
I can do it but have a hard time getting the nuts loose. I can also change my oil if someone can help me loosen the drain on the oil pan. I can change an alternator as well as myriad other things. I work better on older cars, the ones with a carb than fuel injected ones.

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