Ladies over 30 Years of Age

Tattoos probably won't be an attractor for me.

I like a blank canvas
I don't mind, as long as they are tasteful. A young man I know has
a certain word tattoed across his throat; said his life was in shambles and he was heading to hell the way he was living his life. He had a dream that if he had this word tattod across his throat, his life would change. . .it's not a bad word, just a word, but it dramatically changed his life. He married a wonderful girl, has a lovely home . . . good job . . .and I always wondered if there was any connection to what he dreamed and did and how better his life got . . .my son in law has a huge dragon tattooed on his belly, its really pretty. I am not a dirty talker or anything, but the first thing out of my mouth when I saw it was: "gee, just think when you get old, a certain part of your anatomy will be "draggin". When I realized what i said, I almost fell in the floor laughing.
Needless to say, he didn't appreciate my sense of humor.
I do see a lot of prison tattoos around here also that are in very poor taste and done very poorly as well.
The young man with the throat tattoo's wife has her arms done in the Hawaiian vining floral type that is very pretty, and she also has a gorgeous dragon done on her chest. . .it went pretty far down into her cleavage, and I asked if she had to bare her chest and she said no, she wore a tube top. It was $150 an hour
for her dragon, and it look 9 hours. LOTS of money for something that will eventually sag and bag with age. I would like a teeny tiny fairy on my ankle with the world BELIEVE in script in an arch over her head . . .but haven't done it yet.
Nope I do not find them attractive to me but an artist, I admit there are some lovely ones that can be used on canvas instead of human skin.

Hubby does not like tats either. Both sides of our families do not like them either.

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