Ladies over 30 Years of Age

Gary Allen, Gary Allen, Gary Allen!!!!

My hubby has 3, I picked out 2 of them plus the size and placement. The third, we talked about and I'm good with, but it's not complete.

The again, I have 3 tats, too! I'm on the back side of 30 and I got my first one at 25. I think the big thing is to think about what you're getting, where you're putting it and remember it'll be there for a long long time.

My sis had Daffy duck flipping the bird on her shoulder - yup, that'll look good in the wedding photos!!!

Oh, my big pet peave is with the piercings that stretch out the ear or lip. THAT is gross!! And, they don't grow back. I don't think kids at 18 or 20 are thinking about that when they are putting those stud things in.

I agree about thestretching gives me the creeps
I'm not over 30 (22 here) just thought I'd check and see what the old ladies were talking about!!! (LOL

I personally don't like the way it looks when someone it tatted EVERYWHERE. Granted, there are some people that can pull it off, but one thing I will NEVER like on ANYONE is facial tattoos.

I don't mind if hubby gets a few, but I really like his skin (mine is pale and almost transparent so I like his!) so I wouldn't want him getting a TON of stuff.
Two things, amongst many, that my abusive ex-husband forbid me to do was cut my knee length hair and get a tatt. The day I decided I'd had enough of his abuse I filed for divorce, cut my hair to neck length, and got a tatt. It's a peace sign, no bigger than a quarter on my left shoulder. Since in "real" life I am very conservative in my dress (and manner) and I've let my hair go long again, very few people even know I have it. Those that do know about it understand what I went thru and the meaning behind it.
ETA: I've never judged people on what's on the OUTSIDE anyhow, so their tatts are their choice.
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I had a passionflower put over the scars from when they removed my kidney, it was live with scars or cover them up. I didn't want a daily look at a reminder of the car accident that took my husband.

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