Ladies over 30 Years of Age

Have to say that tattoos on anyone are a huge turn-off for me. But I'm well past 30, so maybe not the demographic you're looking for.

My memory of people with tattoos were creepy old guys with wrinkly, saggy skin who must have gotten their tats in the Navy decades before. There was always a down-and-out look about them that was kind of distressing to me as a child.
mine can all be easily hidden with a T shirt, and each has a special meaning to me. Sort of a reminder, a reliquary of a memory to never be forgotten. some of the first things I see each morning and something I see when I go to bed.
Let me give you another perspective. I am a nurse and worked in the nursing home sector a long time. There is nothing like seeing a tattoo or fake boobs on 80+ year old saggy skin.
We need more women in this world with this attitude.

Trust me there are plenty out there, what we need is more KIDS that will listen to thier mothers(that have these attitudes) instead of listening to thier friends and getting the tats just to make mom mad, "because its thier body and they can do what they want with it."
My first tattoo was on my ankle. It's Huckleberry Hound - not that anyone EVER recognizes it. No, Snoopy WAS NOT blue...but I digress....I wanted to pick a place that wouldn't be "saggy" 50 years from now, ie the breast. I just didn't want to have to say "No,I know it looks like Quick Draw McGraw, but it is Sheriff Droopy!"
I like tastefully done tats. I have a few myself, however they can be hidden with clothing very easily. I think it's just personal preference. I am over 40 if that helps.
Thats funny
. I have one that is easily hidden ( most people don't even know I have it- drinking and 21 enough said). Its of Scooby doo- my sis always told me when I get older it will look like a basset hound

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