Ladies over 30 Years of Age

Don't qualify here either since I'm a thirty something MALE.

I used to frown on tats but I frowned on everything. Now I find
many woman's tats very sexy. Most of my female friend have them
and I LOVE them.
I don't know, maybe old age is changing me.

As for sagging, well many things do sag. What's the difference if it's
sagging with a tat?

I've had some great conversations with waitresses, cashiers, and even
a few teachers and psycologists after I asked them about the tat they
had on thier arm, leg, ankle...

Down PC down. Bad dog..
Wellll.... I'm way past 30 and a woman
so unlike PC here.. I'm qualified
(love ya guy

I happen to like a tattoo on a guy - so long as its something with meaning and not something stupid like a naked lady, some tribal band (unless they are from a tribe.. uh.. why??!) or "your name here" classless types.

I do not however, like them to be everywhere - like entire sleeves up both sides, that seems a bit much, but then again, to each their own. I think tattoos are an artform and if done right and by a terrific artist, they are and can be masterpieces. I especially like it when someone designs their own (again, that special meaning) and no one else has it.

With all that being said - I was 38 when I got my first and last tattoo and I planned it with my Dad as he was dying. I posted it on here a while back under a thread about showing tattoos and their meanings. It was done by a master tattoo artist who fit me in given the circumstances (he is booked for over a year on his wait list and is in many Tattoo mags). Its on the inside of my ankle/leg area, and it's a weeping willow tree (both our favorite tree) with a little girl (me) sitting up against the trunk of the tree. Wrapped around the tree is a parchment scroll with "DADDY" in it. The day before I got it, he was awake and talking and he said to me "Tomorrow's the big day, you sure you dont want to back out?" and I said "Not a chance Daddy, we've planned this weeks ago and now the day is finally here, I cant wait for you to see it." My dad never got to see it as he never woke up after that day nor the following day when I got it, and he died the next day, but he knew what it was since we planned it together. I will always treasure it and whenever someone see's it - they usually just know what it means and say "what a touching tribute to your Dad".
I think so....
and so did he. Wish he could've seen it finished.

Now, this was for me - not for the world to see, so... it can be covered should I choose to have it covered; but I dont care to cover it - why should I? I"m proud to have it
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I have my hubbies name tattooed on my ring finger and it is very pretty. I get alot of nice compliments on it and he had the same artist put my name on his just recently. I think that they are very sweet and symbolic of our bond.

Hubby also has a phoenix on his back and a upper 1/2 sleeve of a thespian mask that I just love!

I had a small butterfly with some tribal around it on my lower back but yesterday I jumped in and bit the bullet for the large back piece I wanted of a angel. It will cover the little "flash" tat on my back. The butterfly had meaning to me and I did like it but after years of deliberation I decided I only wanted custom pieces of work on me, no flash. Enyone could be walking around with that same little butterfly tat on them and it made it sort of cheap to me when I thought about it so I elected to cover it up.
The angel was drawn up by myself and then I gave my artist free license to alter it to fit her take on the meaning. She added bleeding heart flowers into the setting and it took the meaning and symbolism to a whole new level. I am very excited about seeing it finished in a few months. It's going to take around 15 hours to complete it.

I think tats can be sexy or meaningful in a positive way but alot of times they are poorly done, poorly thought out and just plain out trashy. I feel it really depends on what it is, who did the work, who it's on and where it is on the body.
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I know this is a thread asking about tattoos on men, but what I really, really hate to see is a beautiful young woman putting an extremely ugly sleeve on her arm. Here is an example...

I know this young woman and it makes me sick to see what she has done to her arm with that, IMO, hideous tattoo. She was 20 when she got that thing, I wonder how she's going to feel about it when she's 40.
Two things, amongst many, that my abusive ex-husband forbid me to do was cut my knee length hair and get a tatt. The day I decided I'd had enough of his abuse I filed for divorce, cut my hair to neck length, and got a tatt. It's a peace sign, no bigger than a quarter on my left shoulder. Since in "real" life I am very conservative in my dress (and manner) and I've let my hair go long again, very few people even know I have it. Those that do know about it understand what I went thru and the meaning behind it.
ETA: I've never judged people on what's on the OUTSIDE anyhow, so their tatts are their choice.

Personal journeys and what comes out of them are often very strong catalysts...I have a butterfly (metamorphsis) on my lower back. As above and so below...
Robin'sBrood :

I know this is a thread asking about tattoos on men, but what I really, really hate to see is a beautiful young woman putting an extremely ugly sleeve on her arm. Here is an example...

I know this young woman and it makes me sick to see what she has done to her arm with that, IMO, hideous tattoo. She was 20 when she got that thing, I wonder how she's going to feel about it when she's 40.

The best part is that she copied pictures from Pink Floyd "The Wall" onto her arm. (Which if she is in her 20's would be OLDies music for her). But the best part is ........wait for it...... she is wearing an AC/DC T-shirt, what was the store out of Floyd T-s in the clasic rock section.

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