Ladies over 30 Years of Age

marlin said, "Maybe her excuse is she got hit in the head with one of the bricks. "

no way... a flying pig.
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OMG those tats on that sleeve are so ugly.
But they're on her, not me.

I can see where some people would want to get tattoos. DBF wants to get a tattoo of a broken dreamcatcher around (not over) an awful scar on his arm. He's part native american.

I can't imagine any tattoo that I'd still be excited about & proud of in 5 years, much less for the rest of my life. My interests change too much to display a passing hobby on my skin. Henna is about as much as I can commit to. And why do I need to put stuff on my skin anyway? Who I am is on the inside to be discovered, not the outside to be on display.

But if other people have arguments for getting tattoos on their own bodies, I frankly don't care: it's your body, decorate it as you see fit.
I personally don't find a tattoo to be attractive on a man.

I can understand some tattoos if there is good meaning behind it, but I don't understand the random body decorations that are permanent. The best tattoos can be covered by clothing at appropriate times.

We don't like it, but first impressions are made by how we first see a person. Tattoos send a message to people (each different depending on personal experience, of course).
Robin'sBrood :

I know this is a thread asking about tattoos on men, but what I really, really hate to see is a beautiful young woman putting an extremely ugly sleeve on her arm. Here is an example...

I know this young woman and it makes me sick to see what she has done to her arm with that, IMO, hideous tattoo. She was 20 when she got that thing, I wonder how she's going to feel about it when she's 40.

Gotta agree with this......That was not a pretty tattoo at all!
Mine covers ugly red snd white scars left from a car accident, the funny thing is my son thinks I looks like the Batman Weed lady (poision ivy). Guess it's the auburn hair and the flowers?
Then again he thinks I look like Uma Thurman, so why argue?
ok, im not over 30.. im just under it.. by a few years. lol. and i really shouldn't be answering but...

a lot have said on here as long as it's tasteful. my hubby only has one.. it's rather nice i think... but i love tats on a man.. as long as they aren't naked ladies. i hate them! lol. i have a fairy on my leg but she's all covered up(look in family stories or whatever and i have it posted under the subject line "tattoos") anyway, his is a celtic knot owl, on the five elements and four seasons. it's nice.. it's kind of big. but i love it. i have 6. a small anchor, a large anchor with my oldest DD's name, a small panda with oldest DD's name, a couple sea horses on my neck, a biomechanical piece(which i may or may not cover up or include in another piece) and my fairy with my middle DD's name. i am still thinking on the one for my littlest DD.

I want to get wings and i want hubby to get a few more tats. i don't like peoples names or initials of partners etc.
unless they are in memory of. those are nice and sweet

so, i like mens tattoos.. and womens. tramp stamps are not womens tattoos. they are called that because of placement.

if a tattoo means a lot to you.. then get it. it doesn't really matter what others think anyway
id never look over a possible friend though, cuz of a tasteless(to me) tattoo.


that's my hubby's. oh, and i dont like many sleeve tats either. that' girls kind of freaked me out lol.

Sue, very nice tat!

My first was of my hero Huckleberry Hound. I had it done higher so it looks like he is standing on my sock when I am wearing some, that the tan line!!

My second was after my uncle and cousin were killed in a car accident. I chose the wolf because my uncle had a wolf tattoo. He was really into wolves....

My third is the obligatory "tramp stamp" - although to my defense, I had no idea that's what the kids these days called the lower back tattoo. Further, I couldn't wear low rise jeans if i wanted to!!! I won't put it up here - after all, it's for my hubby's eyes only.

As for his, I realized I dont' have any really good ones of his on film and he's a sleep so I'm not gonna bother him(not that he'd pose voluntarily. He usually flips me off!)

But here is one of his back. It's not done. He wants to add portraits of the kids on either side of the "4". However finding a good portrait artist isn't easy. Most are really expensive and booked for a good while.....

He has one on his forearm of an angel and devil dancing/entertwined. It's in black - no color. He says it reminds him of us - I'm the angel, just in case any one wondered!!!

His other one is of a little Mexican guy in a sombrero and pancho smoking(family forum - not discussing the contents of the "smoke") I picked it out for him when we first got together and he was a first rate party animal. Now we are both older and wiser and he is very very sober so it's more a reminder of the "glory days" when things were not as good as they are now.
That's the little man behind the roo. It's fairly small and easily hidden.

We plan on getting another tattoo later on...he wants matching something or another but we have yet to reach an agreement.

Oh, and I don't like the sleeve thing either. Or facial or neck tattoos either. But, I'd take one of those over this any day....Warning, do NOT go here if you are grossed out easily!!!

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