Ladies over 30 Years of Age

Yah but at 80 i'm not gonna care if i'm in a nursing home.....just change my depends and stop looking....

Ohmigod, I almost choked!!
i have my neck tat. but its on the back. i don't have long hair either. but i like how it looks lol.
you have a fine looking roo there, the man ain't bad either
lol. my DH always "catches" me looking at every one's tats. he doesn't say "quit looking at that guy/girl!" he says "quit looking at those tats!" lol. im bad. i just like to see what kind of art work is out there.. interesting to see what others put on their bodies. i also have piercings... well, had.. tongue, earl(above nose) labret, septum(like a bull) belly button etc. LOL. i have my ears done.. there were three a piece but when i got my third wal mart screwed up my second hole by piercing through it and it got all infected:( so i woudl never ever ever take anyone or myself back there to do it. if i get another piercing, it would be through a piercing person that was licensed and also had steril equipment. I got to know my tatooers(minus this last one but i knew she had great work) before they get to ink my skin. oh yeah, an my DH also has earrings too
and he's looking at getting a few more tats. we both work in a place where it doesnt matter (as long as it's not lewd) what you have for tats or piercings.. also i have gone in with purple hair... and other colors too.. so maybei am just really open minded to tats and the like;) it's a "norm" for me. haha

i dont know if you saw my pics or not... ill have to post later:)

take care
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I like them, as long as they are meaningful. I have zero repect for people that go to a tattoo shop point at a piece of flash and ask for that identical piece.
Disclaimer: I have the start of a beautiful phoenix on my back, my piercings number in the double didgits(sp?) and I have purple hair. I am also happily married to the same man for 12 years and we have two kidlets. Both of us are drug and smoke free and rarely drink. Proof that you can't judge a book by it's cover.
I guess I am one of the odd ones out here.....I don't really see why they should HAVE to have meaning? I mean, I have this Matador painting in my living room. It is an awesome, ancient, gorgeous oil painting. I am really very anti-bull fighting. However, I love this painting. I like the way it looks and I like the way it fits with my decor. Same with tats. I can't imagine respecting anyone any less for having a run of the mill flash art tat than if I didn't like their taste in furnishings. We all like what we like. Sure it is nice if it has some meaning, but it is alright if they just thought it was pretty, too.
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I think it's one thing if someone put some thought into it, VS showing up to a tat joint and pointing at a pretty picture. One day if you decide you no longer like your matador you can send it to goodwill, however the groupie that got a ex boyfriends band logo tated on 3 weeks before the band split, is not as lucky.
Not as lucky, agreed.....however, I still don't see it as a matter of respect or lack thereof for that person.

My 39 y/o best friend has a Smashing Pumpkins tat on her arm. I KNOW she will deeply regret it someday....this was a recent addition to her body, BTW. However, I certainly wouldn't lose respect for her.

When I was 18 (back in 1988 OMG) I got some flowers and a butterfly on my ankle. They are still there! Yeah, sometimes I wish they would go away, but they won't. Would I do that now???? NO WAY! However, I don't think it defines me as a person at all. And that was my point. We all have reasons for the tats we get. Can be deep and personal or it can be "OH that is soooooo cute" but in the end it is all just a matter of taste in art.
I don't do the piercings - had my ears done when I was 13 and it HURT!!! I'm a super big baby about pain but the tattoos are cool (and addicting) so I'll suffer! I can't believe you went to Wal-Mart! UGH! I didn't know they even did piercing. I would definitely always use a licensed place that you can SEE the autoclave!!!

Oh, and thanks I know he's a looker, huh? The husband, I mena....well, the chicken's not back either.
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Well, I'm over 30... and I don't think it matters if a man has a tatoo or not.
I don't care if he does or doesn't when I meet him, because he'll probably end up with one if he stays around me long enough!!
I do tatoos, but only original artwork. No flash.
My DH has one tatoo across his shoulder blades. I drew it, I inked it. I also did my brother's arm band - just this past Wednesday. All original, all mine.
I even drew my own tatoos, but the ones on my back were inked by someone else. I did my own ankle, though.
Some people judge me, but those people aren't usually the ones I want to get to know anyway.
I say "get a tatoo if you want one, if you don't want one, that's your business... keep it your business & don't judge others with them."

(I also sew, make CP soap, teach yoga & dance, and homeschool my 2 kids... not necessarily your stereotypical tatoo artist.)

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