Ladies: Reduction Mammaplasty?


10 Years
May 21, 2009
Oregon City, OR
Anyone here gone through breast reduction surgery? I had my procedure last Thursday
and I'm looking for recovery/recuperation tips. So far, so good!
TIA for any help.
I'm still in the consultation stages, but I've sat with several friends during thier enhansement recoup.

Stay in bed as much as possiable, you know those movies you've been meaning to watch... have netflix send them. Do as little with your arms as possiable, so the tissues can heal faster. Keep as clean as possiable, you want to avoid doing anything that can give infection a chance (a friend itched and introduced an infection, nothing like using saline to flush puss out from sutures to cement a friendship). Now is not the time to push yourself or commit to anything. Take your pain meds, keep drinking fluids.
My mom went through it and she is SO happy!! She went from DD to a C. She just wore her tight elastic thing they gave her and that was it. No complications and it has been 2+ years now.
I'll be watching this thread. DD, 21, is a 34 DD and hates them. She wants them reduced but I'm trying to convine her to wait till shes a little older. They're not causing her problems, she just cant find cute bras.
My DW went through it several years ago, I supported her all the way but i did have a stern warning for her Dr/surgeon to not screw them up. She was a 44DD and they were causing serious back pain thus causing her to have back surgery several years later that still causes her problems. She did wear sports bra's for awhile and avoided any jarring bumping movements. she really likes her new look and so do I as she can now buy the nicer clothes she likes. Good luck to you.

Victoria Secret has some cute stuff in her size. I'm the same size and that's the only place I can find bras that fit.

I've talked to a Dr about it, but I'm waiting till I'm done having kids. Figure I'll need a lift by then anyway. Plus I don't want to take the chance of not being able to breastfeed. That being said, I'm only 12 weeks into my first pregnancy, I've already gone up a cup size and my lower back is killing me. Oi!
I would go for it in a heart beat. I am a 38 DD and hate it. Best of luck in your recovery....I will live Vicariously through you....and those who have done it.

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